GoWin! Software Review • Highly rated by users • Direct feedback we have received from our customers • Rating • Testimonials • What users say about GoWin! • Opinioni degli utenti • Avis utilisateurs • Benim görüşüm • Opinión usuarios • Meinungen • Nutzer-Kommentar • Opinião usuários • Reviews and Recommendations

GoWin! Software Reviews & Testimonials

It’s great, excellent, fantastic, brilliant but don’t just take our word for it!

You can take a close-up look at the program’s features and qualities, but don't just take our word for it - listen to what people who actually use GoWin! have to say.

“GoWin, GodWin, GoldWin or simply... my favourite and beloved app!”

Julien, France

" Hello Kevin, I hope you are well, I come back to you to inform you of my return to gowin, indeed I took a license for 1 year, i wait to receive it. Thank you see you soon Julien "

Paul, UK

" Had a couple of months off due to lockdown duties with the family but today I jumped back on the GOWIN TRAIN BAAAABBBY!!!! Woooooooooosssh "

Thor, Germany

" Gowin always the best! When you read the data, you may find yourself ahead. "

Lorris, France

" You are the best, thanks you a lot, I’m finally starting to understand the software 😂 "

Andreas, South Africa

" I am back - Bigger and Better with GOWIN "

Tim, UK

" That’s great thanks as that was what I am after.I have been testing this and overtime they produce value. The system in general is still far superior than anything else on the market. Will sign up later. "

Mark, UK

" Hi Kevin Many thanks for your help over the last couple of months and also for the free trial period it has been most appreciated once again thank you. I want to keep all the techniques that I have now saved so can you now please send me a link for the subscription. I would like to sign up on a yearly basis at your best price please. Many Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards Mark "

Paul, UK

" I decided to be an absolute NINJA using Dinos’ red/blue rule. Got in, got the goods, got out. Stealth. "


" Because I love the app even if am still learning. "

Stéphane, France

" “Fabulous tool” Bonjour, Merci pour les explications sur le fonctionnement de GoWin qui permettent de bien comprendre les rudiments de ce fabuleux outil. Hello, Thank you for the explanations on working with GoWin!, they allow to better understand the rudiments of this fabulous tool. "

John, UK

" Hi Kevin Thanks for the free trial, I used it on the weekends games and liked it, it’s a shame that we are in this lockdown with limited football as GOwin is an excellent tool. I have now bought a years subscription but have went and used my other email address. I have received the receipt but nothing with my new license, do you know how long it will take to receive the new license? Thanks Regards John "


" Hi Kev I have been studying SRL trends for days. Now I can boldly say that GoWinSoftware nailed it. It is the best around. I can say this over and over again. "

Dino, Italy

" Hello, Sorry for mi English I'm an Italian man, I found that your program is the best, and thank you for try it. My license is end, can I renew it? "

Dany, Italy

" Buongiorno, ho seguito il vostro programma su fb e ne sono rimasto affascinato, è possibile fare un periodo di prova? Grazie, saluti. Dany Good morning, I followed your program on fb and I was fascinated by it, is it possible to do a trial period? Thank you. Dany "


" My lovely GoWin software. You are doing a great job. Thanks guys. "

Dominique, France

" Parfait, merci pour toutes ces précisions. Je retiens donc qu'il faut attendre au minimum la mise à jour du matin pour valider une sélection donnée par une technique. Bonne journée et merci pour vos réponses claires et précises. Perfect, thank you for all these details. So I’ll keep in mind that we must wait at least the morning update to validate a selection given by a technique. Good day and thank you for your clear and precise answers. "


" Good one Kevin, one thing I love about you is that gowin moves with time… "


" Morning. Thank you for the trial. Learnt a few techniques and applied them with reasonable success. Unfortunately, because of the current covid19 lockdowns, our banks are closed possibly until Monday. Will make the payment then to subscribe. Otherwise it was a very good trial run. Much thanks. "


" Just from the free trial I realised good things so I'm ready to subscribe. It confirmed it’s the best, very very best best ...software. Congratulations to all members, who use this app 👍👍 "


"Good, I appreciated "

Romy, France

" I'm really waiting for the return of all leagues to subscribe. And I hope you guys will help me and show me the best technique. Even if they are very wise i think with something like gowin we can sting them and take advantage. "


" This is good. I love gowin! "


" This software is amazing my friend and I will subscribe after this lockdown is re-open for business. I really appreciate it. "


" Kindly do us a favour, if you can get it in android version. It will be super and many can use it even when moving on the street but incorporate some security measures in it so that people will not mess it up. Thanks once again. Appreciate. "


" It looks promising. Is good for investment. "


" I have activated it. It is good. You have made tremendous improvement on it. Good job well done. "

Zinewinde, Burkina Faso

" A Big fish "


" The first time I used GoWin, I knew there was something special about it, something magical...but I couldn't place a finger on it. Intuition probably. Never did I imagine that one day I would play defying common sense, and killing the competition. That "Day" is here and now. "


" We only share techniques and ideas here on how best to use the software to ensure our effectiveness is high. Just try and practice all the shared techniques for better understanding of the technique you can use for your match analysis. I promise you, you will start to post here as well."

Alex, Germany

" At first I wanted to have other people's opinion. But you all have to understand that personal success always needs Brain power or constant learning. If you stay focused you will also post your success soon. "

Julien, France

" Hello, I contact you because I want to cancel my subscription. I appreciate your software, I think I will resume a subscription in a few months when the big championships have resumed. "

João, Brazil

" Waiting for Jamaica 🇯🇲 , El Salvador 🇸🇻 , Guatemala 🇬🇹 "

Alessandro, Italy

" Hi Kevin I try the new leagues. Great Job! Great, I try now Haiti ...I have good hopes for today eheheh ...sharing your great software with my friends on my telegram channel. "


" Boss thanks. All good just now based on that default settings but I just testing thanks. Will still get back to you boss. All the best! "

Jason, Australia

" Can I use Godwin software on my phone? "

Paul, UK

" I love waking up to champions!! GoWin does it again!! "

Roland, Germany

" My skill goes higher and higher! "

Thorsten, Germany

" GoWin the best in price and support and results. Thx. "

Alekie, Kenya

" Thanks Kev. Ua software man its always awesum. Having 1year n half experience its always awesum. "


" We can make them go to their knees! Lets keep up the power of gowin and this community and everyone will be happy 😍 "

Paul, UK

" Hey guys! Absolutely love the power of GoWin! 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 "

Paul, UK

" Just need to work on my overs now! Thanks Dinos for your tips and tricks!!! "


" It ran very close. Red cards in both games probably affected the outcome. Equalizing goal coming after the red card in 80+ mins, winning goal coming even later, in the Spanish game. Irrespective of the result, GoWin's superior analytical power cannot be denied. "

Carolina, USA

" I think I got it now thanks Kevin I’m impressed with your customer service It’s above and beyond my expectations Thank you so much "

Vitor, Portugal

" I hope Gowinsoftware will live at least another 15 years! At least. I just wanted to have more free time. "


" Without dropping names I have used in the past Services-that failed (I'll tell you why at the end) Paid for Database at 100 Euros per month Another Paid service at ....about 50USD the same rate A third for around 10USD per month Guess what? They all failed me. Truth..if a service is too profitable he won't have subscribers for a long time. They need to give you hope of recovery to keep you hooked. The other services never kept long enough history. In these respects GoWin beats them hands down. What is my message. Take your future in your own hands, don't blame some dumb person whose probably a reseller for your loss. Believe in yourself, seek advice, work in 2s or 3s if needed. I've paid for a shared licence so that my friend could have an independent look in. Learning takes time. Learning is a process "

João, Brazil

" The best software! 🥰🤑 "

Carolina, USA

" ...Thanks to Gowin!!!! Learning takes time but anyone can do it and we are here to help. Kevin has the best customer service I have ever seen, I have never had a question with no answer. So take advantage of it guys and study it!!! "

Carolina, USA

" Thanks QPunter for all insights and G Kev for the amazing customer service in explaining all the features!! "


" Thanks Kelvoo.. am so happy. You are No 1. "

Vitor, Portugal

" Hello Kevin and Users. In September of this year I will finish my second 1 year subscription to the program. What I can say is that it is only in this last year that I started to be better and that I am satisfied with the program, soon I will buy another year. Of the techniques that surprises me most is the technique of Dinos, in which the tie percentage is about 25%, and I only have to choose the victory at home or outside the team that is best avoiding extreme cases, but I’ve been taking chances and I’ve been doing well. For the novice users in my opinion, see the opinions of the most experienced users who give several examples in this Telegram, and not to eat everything that moves. Congratulations Kevin, thanks for Telegram, so we can learn more from each other. "


" GoWin the best tool for statistical analysis. "

David, Mexico

" Very good afternoon, excellent system, I will buy it, as soon as I finish raising money to buy it, a question, is this option enabled only when it is purchased or is it enabled in general? If it is allowed to use it while in test mode, how can it be activated? I appreciate your collaboration. "


" Hi guys! Just had the trial this weekend and I’m impressed! Used Dinos 1x red blue technique to land this nice double! Awesome stuff. Will definitely be signing up. "

João Luiz, Brazil

" With each day passed I am more impressed by the power of Gowin. "


" A nice weekend. Thanks to the power of GoWin. "

Thor, Germany

" Mega thx! Gowin means friends. "

Dean, Belgium

" Hi Kevin, Thank you for your answer and work! "


" It’s GoWin fans users and intended users group for sharing ideas on the usage of this great app. "

Bruno, France

" Good evening Kevin, I told you that I would come back to you less than a year ago for your new app and well, I will order your new version right now, which I hope is even better than the first. Can you please explain the process to me. Thank you, cordially, see you soon for the new season with GOWIN. I’m happy and impatient to resume with GOWIN, I’m getting ahead by contacting you out of sympathy. See you soon. "


" BOOOM😃😃😃 I love GoWin "

Kimmo, Finland

" Best software. I love ❤️ It's a great guide. "


" The Best Analysis with GoWin. Truly Unstoppable. "

Gerald, Austria

" GoWin! is of course the non plus ultra for me, I deal with it almost more than with my wife every day :-):-):-) A big thank you for your commitment! "

Μηνάς, Greece

" I want to ask if the predictions remain the same today for 15/02/2020 or do they change if I hit predictions that day? e.g. 2/15/2020 AUGSBURG - FREIBURG the prediction now is 1X and 1-1. Will it be the same on 15/02/2020? Best Regards, you are the Best "


" Simply the best around.... "


" GoWin 2020 - The Unstoppable Force Away Wins💪💪💪 Barcelona [2-3] FT🔥 Cerro Porteno [1-4] FT🔥 "

Ley, Kenya

" Hello Kevin, I hope you are and have been well. Now back after a forced hiatus on health grounds. I think I can now get into it even as I look towards full recovery. Any improvements on your already superb software? I will be making a subscription shortly. Regards. Ley "

Ove, Denmark

" Yes was also on it. Perfekt software and you are genious 👌👌👌 "

Ove, Denmark

" Just love GoWin "


" Hi Kevin, GoWinSoftware is simply phenomenal "

Oyom, Nigeria

" lol, complicated for newbie but excellent tool if you can settle down and work "

Feisal, Brazil

" Hi, It is great! Have a question: with the subscription, will u give more events and picks? Or normal, like the free trial? "

Chinomso, Nigeria

" U guys are so good "

Samuel, Nigeria

" Good morning Mr Kevin Thanks for the great work you are doing, but can I ask that a free trial version be sent me. "


" Thanks Kevin can you help me see how that is calculated or done? By end of the month i want to sub for 1 year depending on the performance i see for the next 15 days nice job you did with the software. Respect! "

Chinomso, Nigeria

" Goodday sir I love ur software "

Quentin, France

" Ah ça m'avait manqué, gowin I missed it "

Adam, Czech Republic

" Thank you so much Kevin 🙂 You are amazing. With the best client service ever. "


" GoWin is the best bro. I am really enjoying it. "

Kimmo, Finland

" New update is good! The program has again taken a big step forward. "

Dinos, Greece

" Hello Kevin, I think i pressed the help button. Please do not bother, everything is fine. GoWin! really Rocks....... Thank you! "

Volkan, Turkey

" Man, you quickly found the mistake and made it out of the world, respect! 🙂 Have a nice Monday to you and the team 🙂 "

Alexander, Germany

" Like many users said here yesterday ... it is the PRE-Xmas gift from England 🙂 thanks for all @ Kevin and Team! Your customer support is more than brilliant!!! "

Oyom, Nigeria

" Thanks is working now! Like the h2h feature, it is a feature I have been dreaming to see. How does My Ticket work? And what is favorite matches? "

Alessandro, Italy

" Hi Kevin how are you? Great job with your software and Dinos strategy Amazing work💪 "


" It is Phenomenal. "


" We need to have subscribers collaboration. This does not deny the fact that GoWinSoftware is the best software around. "


" Thank you Kevin. I am indeed grateful for this kind gesture of yours. I saw Dinos post, I will follow the steps. Thanks once again. My licence is active again, in fact I am updating it now. "

Thomas, Germany

" Hi Kevin, That’s really amazing how fast you still, after so many years in business with GoWin, reply on emails. I don’t know anyone else who does that. Especially after so many years. If you don’t mind, send me an email when version is ready. I should buy it. With your help I may find my settings to go for the doubles as described. Waiting anxiously to see your new version Thomas "

Quentin, France

" Je suis devenus professionnel grâce à votre logiciel et je tenais à vous en remercier pour le travail que vous faites. 👍🙏 Je vous montre ma pub 😉 si jamais vous voulais en partager avec plaisir. I became a professional thanks to your software and I wanted to thank you for the work you do. 👍🙏 I show you my ad 😉 if you ever wanted to share it with pleasure. "

Roland, Germany

" GoWin the crusher ☠️☠️☠️ "


" The power of Home Win from Gowin. "

Heshame, France

" I’m very good, especially with Gowin 🙂 Oh thank you!! "


" GoWin calculations are good. Stats are great. Over 1.5 by Statistics. ....almost almost almost😱😱😱😱 "


" Always the best, though was unlucky but better days ahead. "


" Villarreal spoiled this for me but I believe better days ahead. Gowin always the best. "


" Valerenga vs Molde: Molde will win Gowinsoftware signals Molde to score over 1.5 goals. From the best football software. "

Marc, France

" Good Morning Kevin, yes that's exactly what I did ;-) Thank you very much for your help, everything works perfectly now! Have a good day! "


" Thanks a lot for your response. I’ve been really studying but I’m back for the holidays and i have a lot to practice with it still trying strategies to put out there for people to see the precise accuracy. It’s been awesome exploring the power of this software. Cheers! "

Tunde, Nigeria

" You guys are the best, GoWinSoftware carry go "


" Near miss syndrome from the most powerful football software on earth. This weekend is going to be BOOM! "

Camelia, Netherlands

" And today GoWin was right wohooo. Only stupid thing from me I wish I went more :(( I'm going to buy the license definitely. "

Camelia, Netherlands

" Definitely the software is so good it even predicted a surprise. Wait let me show you. I looked at Real Sociedad against Leganes HT FT. Looked good but full time wasn't so sure. You guys are aliens 😂 you made something out of this world.....it's really like looking into the future 🙈 "

Ouedraogo, Cote D'Ivoire

" C’est une bonne application mais il faut du temps pour bien la comprendre. It’s a good app but it takes time to fully understand it. "

Tekin, Turkey

" Thank you. I try application. I and my friends very like this! Some match wrong but we like this! "

Camelia, Netherlands

" Only I got a little greedy and played too much games. It's ok though I didn't staked high. I'm testing its abilities. 🙈 Jong Ajax lost from Volendam while Voledam had 40% confidence 🤔 or did I looked wrong? The guide on the confidence percent next to the prediction works amazing.... all other 7 games came out that way. Only Jong Ajax screwed it up for me 😂 What can I say? You guys are doing an amazing job with this software. It's definitely possible to come out on top with it. "

Quentin, France

" Je suis un professionnel 😉 je me sers de votre logiciel pour faire mes pronos, c’est au top 👍 COMMENCÉ hier direct 5/5 I am a pro 😉 I use your software to make my selections, it's at the top 👍 STARTED yesterday directly 5/5 "


" Another good day courtesy GoWinSoftware "

Camelia, Netherlands

" Hey sorry for not getting back at you I've been a little busy. I wanted to thank you for the free trial this is definitely an amazing piece of software, I will definitely buy a license. It is amazing. You guys have made something incredible 🚀 I didn't had the chance to test it fully, it has so many features there were some statistics and techniques that I didn't quite understood. But definitely worth the money 💪 "

Vasile, Romania

" For me Gowin in combination with the Poisson distribution represents deadly weapons "


" I see GoWinSoftware as the best software ever "


" It is the best "


" Thank you very much Kevin and Gowin family. I have successfully installed the app. "

Gerald, Austria

" Hi Kevin, I thought the games would be automatically updated in the prediction, that was a too hard criticism from me, so i want to apologize. Of course you're right, because if you don't work anything, you can't make any mistakes ;-) Everything is good, keep up the good work..... "

Victor, Mexico

" Amigo tengo un gran problema el día 7 de octubre adquirí su programa y me a parecido una maravilla, el día de hoy mi computadora se dañó y tendré que formatear el equipo, mi membresía termina el día 7 de noviembre mi preocupación es como puede volver a instalar el programa y seguir con el. Friend, I have a big problem on October 7, I acquired your program and I thought it was wonderful, today my computer was damaged and I will have to format the computer, my membership ends on November 7. My concern is how you can go back to install the program and continue with it. "

Roland, Germany

" Every day I’m happy with it. Perfect draw for France match, the same like Norway match. Wonderful! "

Roland, Germany

" Like always, phenomenal! "

Alex, Germany

" Hi, I made a technique for all leagues above 70 and testing testing testing. I love gowin so much and it is already an addiction. "

Renzo, Peru

" Hi Kevin, Your software is awesome. You are using other methods for calculating probability and distribution than me, but basically it does everything what I was doing in Excel. Its all that I need. Statistics option is great, but I would like to compare also statistics of last 3 years competitions. I mean 2018/2019, 2017/2018 and 2016/2017 for European leagues. Is it possible to have that information? I guess its matter to have non updated data bases of last 3 years. I also have this question about predictions. - Is it better to use predictions on leagues that has more matches played? Or it will be the same a prediction of the round number 1 and the round number 26? - Why there is not over/under 2.5 and BTTS: Yes/Not prediction? There are odds of that and score prediction of the match, but not a percentage of probability. - Regarding Auto Fine Tune, what’s is the meaning of: (1-2 matches per round)? What is the meaning of doubles and triples? Thanks. Cheers, Renzo "

Marc, Belgium

" Thank you Kevin, all is working fine on the new laptop, including my techniques 👍 "

Victor, Mexico

" Problema resuelto muchísimas gracias Problem solved, thank you so much. "

Owolabi, Nigeria

" Hi Kevin, GoWinSoftware is simply the best! I am loving it. I am happy that I subscribed also happy that I approached you. I have been quiet about it all this while. thanks "

Thorsten, Germany

" I have been with you for 6 years now. Oh very thx Kevin. Always the best! "

Tony, UK

" Hello Kevin, I trust you are doing fine. Please can you add me 2 more days so that I can finish my research (analysing) this awesome software. It's a little bit challenging for first timers like me but hopefully I will be fine with it by the end of those two extra day. For real this is a must have app and promise I will make my purchase. Thanks and be blessed. "

Peter, Slovakia

" You know that I will buy licence again after this trial period, because I´m one of the biggest fan of your work. "

João, Brazil

" Dinos + GoWin! = Terror of the opposition 😀💪 "


" Love 😍 "


" Gowin software is the fire "

Mat, France

" Ho perfect! Thank you so Much, like always 💪 "

Alexander, Germany

" I want to learn strong now, to pay you a yearly license and continue using this powerful tool lifetime. I WANT IT 🤗 You Service is so awesome! Unbelievable. Thank you so much The best service I have seen for a long time. All other people just want to take your money. I really enjoy it. "

Vitor, Portugal

" After 3 minutes I got the opportunity and didn't let it get away! Thank you Gowinsoftware !!! "

Mark, USA

" Anyway, credit where credit is due. Hiroshima in J-League was a technique play today, road winner. "

Alex, UK

" Hi Kevin, first of all thanks for the help, I already did what you told me. Sorry about my first email I didn’t want to be rude. The program is great just I have not time now to use it, but I will try it again in the future! "

Ikechukwu, Nigeria

" Thank you gowin, the free trial was a huge success. "

Saruhan, Turkey

" I am pleased with you I am satisfied with the program. I love you. "

Alom, Brazil

" The Best tool out there. "

Kazimierz, UK

" Many thanks, Kevin. Always Top Service! 🙂 Have a nice weekend. Greetings, Kazimierz. "


" Hi team, I'm happy to have subscribed with you. Please is there any material you could send to me for understanding it better? "

Kimmo, Finland

" Profit Zone is a great feature. I make selections manually. It's a wonderful tactic. You should only take leagues that have been played for at least 2 months. Because more games have already been played. Gives confidence. "

Kazimierz, UK

" Hello, I'm going to buy your great software again. Is it possible to use the trial version as before? Thank you in advance for your answer. Best wishes, Kazimierz. "


" Thanks for the FREE (trial) license. Your customer service and support is Excellent! I can't wait for season to begin before I resume my subscription. "


" I am very happy for the licence you sent to me, but I am having some problem in entering my Identification code. The characters are so long that the space provided could not accommodate it. Please, is there any other way you can help me? I am the bonafide owner of the licence key. "


" I don't think I can work accurately without using GoWin. It is simply amazing and works like Magic. "


" 🔥👏🤩🎯⚽️ YEEESSSSSS!! by the power of GOWINMAGIC it did it. hurry soccer fans go get your licence and start ENJOYING!!! 👍 Dinamo Brest Vs Dinamo Minsk ✌️ GoWinSoftware is pure magic, every football fan rush and purchase your licence this is the best ⚽ software you will ever find!!! "


" You guys are the best i have been recommending a lot of soccer fans that love football to GOWIN! Really amazing! "

Krzysztof, Poland

" OK, thanks. 🙂 I have to check all this program because it’s looking great. 🙂 So many statistics, leagues etc. 🙂 I think this is one of the greatest football information program I have ever seen. 🙂 But I need to know how to use it. I think after one week I will able able to use all these statistics. 🙂 "

Ronan, France

" I enjoy your software. "

Melvin, France

" Thank you. You are the best community manager i have ever seen. "

Izzy, Nigeria

" Hello Mr Kelvin Good day Pls how do I check this below? I find it hard to check it. So far, I've had a good run. "

Hans, Austria

" Hi Kevin, Well, i was pretty happy with it but I rarely used it. That’s why I want to quit for the moment. It is okay that you refund it today, even if there are some fees. Is it possible to activate the same Account in the future, if I want to join back again? Thank you. Best regards "

Charles, Kenya

" Hello Kelvin. Last time i tried it, it worked really good for me, thanks. would you just send me one more trial as i organise on full subscription? "

Gregory, France

" Hello, To start, thanks for your work. It is very good but also very complicated. Could you tell me what setting to use? I have to choose a league or let the software do? Tell me just how to set the best parameters easily. "

Gregory, France

" I look and I come back to you. Your software is very powerful but very hard to take in hand. Thank you for your work. "


" I’m happy i studied it and noticed that with the strategy i want to apply i will succeed. i want to subscribe for a month after which i will pay for 5 later please reply on this. "

Marco, France

" Super logiciel 👍 Super software 👍 "

Gregory, France

" Bonjour, deja merci pour votre excellent logiciel. Avant de prendre une licence annuel, je souhaiterai savoir si vous pouriez m'accorder un code promotionnel pour une version d'un mois. Je vous en serai extrement reconnaisssant. Cordialement. Hello, already thank you for your excellent software. Before taking an annual license, I would like to know if you could give me a promotional code for a one month version. I will be very grateful to you. Regards. "

Ove, Denmark

" Yes also here, I’ll stay here my whole life 🙂🙂🙂 "

Chibuzor, Nigeria

" Thank You Kevin, I got it last night and I've been working with it since then in good anticipation of a favorable outcome. This app is actually an evidence of hard working, high carefulness and Prime Professionalism. I commend all your team for such a wonderful product. Thank You. "

Harrys, Greece

" Hello Kevin! Sorry, i did not write you all the day because I was working. Yesterday almost all the night I worked with GOWIN. Τhe conclusion is this is not software it’s GOLD. You must call it GOLDWIN. It reached a percentage of around 80% as I calculated. It’s a big for a professional player.👏 for GOWIN AND KEVIN from Harrys. Also I have downloaded with success and fast. Biorhythm is what I liked most, very analytic. Dynamo Kiev-Donetsk 0-0. Well done, it was difficult match! Anyway, here in Grecce we have Easter now and this week and the other I will go with my family to my village and when I will be back the next week we will discuss for the license. and so all the agencies are closed . Could you tell me please if you have the time, how can I see over 2.5 and goal I did not find it yet? P.S: my free trial it’s over the next Wednesday? Have have have a fun.....✊ "

Martin, Germany

" Hi Kevin, I will restart my work with gowin. But i have problems with my paypal account. Can you give me a 10 day free trial within my existing account? I am an old customer and love gowin. thank you very much "

João, Brazil

" Thanks Kevin! Gowin is the best software. Today it was awesome. 🙏🙏🙏✅✅✅🤑🤑🤑 "

Harrys, Greece

" Kevin again good morning and thank you a lot for answering me. I hope you are fine. I have been watching you for a long time because I like it and I want to tell you this software is excellent. It is brilliant. Again congratulations for your job, you are the best. Some day i will get it. Be sure. Now I am busy with my work but some day I will get it. We will be great i am sure with its help. I like to play with it. "


" I set my parameters and it is working as i expected. Gowinsoftware is the best. Thanks Kevin. "

Thomas, France

" Hi! I would like to say thank you for your work, your software is amazing! Also, I have a question, do you think about adding other championships? Other countries? Also, I have created some techniques but i can't change the stake in the green part with graphic. Is it normal? "

Roland, Germany

" My skills greatly increased, I know so many biorhythms courses and rules. I have a big archive of home, draw and away win, I would like to learn more, I enjoy it a lot. With the new techniques upgrade you can find easier matches with higher rates, matches with certain confidences, that takes a lot of time away and i have more time to find draws 🙂 "

Tomasi, France

" Hi, for years i love your software i really intend to engage and subscribe for two years. "

Prince, Nigeria

" Boss, I really appreciate for the last weekend. "

Izzy, Nigeria

" I wanted just three months before I proceed to One year plan. I have enjoyed ur free trials. I have not doubt that Gowin is d best. "

Fred, UK

" Hi Kevin, I've had a look at the software, looks interesting but I've tried many times to create a technique with my filters, I name the techniques, save it and download it but once that's done cannot find it anywhere. I want to filter only the matches Over/Under 3.5 but all the predictions are 1x2 even after I create it a new over/under technique, any help? Thanks "

Oliver, Germany

" Hello, your software has convinced me. "

David, Kenya

" Thank you so much. I will try to learn more on this great software. "

Wayne, Kenya

" Thanks for yesterday matches. Awesome software indeed mr. Kelvin. "

Jo, France

" Bonjour, j'ai réussi à découvrir l'univers Gowin qui est très satisfaisant. Seulement je ne peux pas utiliser avec beaucoup de temps le logiciel, ce n'est pas rentable pour moi pour le moment. Comment puis je faire pour me désabonner ? Je reviendrai prochainement avec plus de temps je l'espère. Merci. Hello, I managed to discover the Gowin universe which is very satisfying. Only I cannot use the software for a long time, and this is not profitable for me at the moment. How can I unsubscribe? I will come back soon with more time I hope. Thank you. "


" Good day to you Kevin, the software is very robust and well done. Very complicated to a first time user. I have been reading through the guide. I must be very honest with you, it looks nice with loads of potential but it's cumbersome, one needs to do a lot of work and research to get a good game. Giving the cost, one should hope to at least get a section where the algorithm spits out good games based off Dinos methods or any other method... 1 week is not enough for newbies, I doubt one month of constant test will do the magic. I would love to test it for a quarter year. I will make suggestion of changes and possible tutorial in English, showing methods that worked for me. What do you say? "

Daniele, Italy

" Hi Kevin, strategies are very, very good! 😉 In your opinion what could be the best management strategy? "

Julian, UK

" Hi Kevin, I have been using your superb software for a couple of weeks now. I have noticed on Facebook there is a reference to red/blue lines on the techniques section I think. I can see also it appears to give great info but I am not the greatest with this software, apologies. Can you point me in the right direction, of how to use the Techniques section correctly, also can I backtest with the Techniques section. Thanks for your time. Regards, Julian "

Ove, Denmark

" I also had the game 😍😍😍👌👌👌 We love it "

Cecilia, Kenya

" Thanks Kev....will pay on time ....i am happy being part of the Gowin family "

Cecilia, Kenya

" Hi Kev, hope you are keeping well. I must acknowledge that Gowin has helped me for basic needs....thank you....planning to pay by end of march, please let me know when my current expires😦....and if its possible to give me an extension until the end of March, ...if its not possible, that’s ok, I will hustle to pay by month end😊 "

Julian, UK

" Brilliant software, and could not live without it now! Need to carry on going through different backtesting etc. Hopefully sortable. "

David, Kenya

" I agree with Kevin. I have had trial version twice last year and twice this year and what I have discovered is that this software is awesome though a bit complicated for new user. It requires enough time with it to learn it and work with it. It requires patience and a bit of luck for you to start making good profit. It simply has endless possibilities if you and the software "click" by working together.🥰🥰🥰🥰 "

George, Greece

" I have tried many so called programs and it is second to none. "

Ove, Denmark

" Now there's another one :-) Waiting on the last for the evening. The software is just perfect ;-) Great and genius makers 👌👌👌 "

Stan, UK

" You’re not going to get 100 percent every time I've just started using it. I keep it simple but I like it and think it's good. Will give a review when I've had my full trial but I've had good results, not loads but enough that's what counts and with good plan could be really good and Kevin will answer any question you have with regards to the software. "

Ove, Denmark

" Hervé, now i understand. I have my own systems, and the default systems. I also have modified them much to stronger settings. And some of the default I’m completely not using ;-) Its not about sending games out. You can make "filters" in different ways. You can also change de default setting and then save as your own preferred. Right now i having more than 28 different systems I’m running every day 👌👌👌 You’re learning everyday. And have spent so many many hours for doing them better and better, and sometimes splitting up in different sub-systems. And some days my systems don’t have any games, and then again other days it is just great 😊😊😊 So this game you’re talking about, i don’t know, it’s filtered out 😁 What everything is about is really learning the software to know as good as possible. Also learning and listening very much what other people here inside are saying, and especially Dinos. He is gold worth. And sometimes also thinking a little unlogical and trying things out and seeing what happens when you back simulate games. Then everything will grow for you. "

Ove, Denmark

" This weekend so far, so great, lots of value 👌👌👌😎😎😎😊😊😊 We love it, ahh and still 2 games more in the evening, maybe they also will be the same. Loving this software It is just so perfect and getting better and better😍😍😍 "

Gerald, Austria

" Hello Kevin, No problem, I am happy about every message from you, I can always learn something from your messages! Thank you very much for your honest and extensive message. I only started seriously about 1 year ago and only now, after 1 year of intensive learning, have I understood the connections and the difference between success and failure. Without GoWin! this would have been impossible, without any chance. Therefore I would like to thank you and your team for creating this software and feeding it with "heart blood" with data. I can imagine that you are challenged every day to create everything that all customers are very satisfied with. Only after 1 year I haven't discovered all, but many possibilities that GoWin! offers. I can only say that I am simply thrilled, and spend many hours a day with GoWin! It has now become my main hobby in the pension, so to speak. My biggest mistake in this 1st year of learning was to panic when something didn't go to the plan. Of course I questioned everything, had doubts, etc.... But I think that happens to every newbie when they start. Many greetings to you and your great team. With kind regards Gerald, Austria "

George, Greece

" The ever best software for soccer. Both for full and half time. "

George, Greece

" Three out of four for today. Thanks! "


" U're doing great work keep it Up 🤝 "

Daniele, Italy

" England - Premier League Arsenal-Bournemouth First time using techniques 😉 4-1 right now 🙂 "

Henry, Nigeria

" The software is very robust and well done. Very complicated to a first time user but I have been reading through the guide. "

Esu, Nigeria

" Honestly I found it helpful. I have to stick with fewer games. Notwithstanding I applaud you for your work. "

Daniele, Italy

" thanks a lot, I'm testing a bit more.... but it's so great 😉 "

David, UK

" I received mine last night....looking good "

Lee, UK

" Hi, Thanks for sending me the Trial last night. GoWin looks amazing. Can I ask how many days will my trial last for, so that I know when to subscribe. Regards Lee "

Lee, UK

" Hi Kevin, Thanks for the trial period, appreciated. Gotta say, been up all night, amazing depth of stats. Seriously impressive, looking forward to a great week and subscribing for life!! Next week. Have a good day, Lee "

Dedi, Côte d'Ivoire

" Hello Kevin, You are dangerous (it means very good)!! It's working now! I'll tell you my experience in few weeks. Thank you for all Regards! "

Kulvinder, UK

" Thanks Kevin for coming back to me so quickly much appreciated . One question I have for you is that I used your software about 4 years ago (yes you guys have come a long way since then). But I wanted to know - when you have the games - can these now be sorted in a way that gives you the best ones first? For example if say you had a match for game X and team A was predicted to win and the possibility of a win was say 90% - does the program now have a way of saying well, it would be worth choosing it. Because I remember from a long time ago that when I had the predictions it took ages to try and find it is worth while. Hence why I dropped out and did not renew as it was too long winded - your program at that time was brilliant, but it just missed this add on. So let me know if you do have something now that changes this. "

Kulvinder, UK

" That sounds great Kevin, exactly what was missing. Look forward to the free trial link and I appreciate you doing this for me. Rest assured once I get myself familiarised I will join you guys. Thanks Kal "

David, Kenya

" Thanks Kevin. I will work on that the next time I use it. Good work and cheers to you and Dinos. "

Bruno, France

" Thank you very much, you are really professional. I will come back to you when my state of health will be better. "

Senyo, Ghana

" It is done. Thanks. GoWin GoHigh! You are the best! "

Ley, Kenya

" Hey Kevin, Your input paid dividends as can be seen in the email thread below and from the transaction I just completed successfully. Not only is your product the best but your customer care service is too. Thanks Much. "

Alex, France

" Bonjour Kévin, Après une premier utilisation du logiciel fructueuse. Je me permet de vous posez la questions suivante, quelle sont les rôles des techniques chargée dans le logiciel? Cordialement After a first successful use I would like to ask you the following question, what are the roles of the built-in techniques? Cordially "

Leigh, UK

" Hi Kev Thinking about coming back, am i allowed a discount code please as an existing client of yours?? Only because i can’t afford it otherwise haha, thanks Kev. "

Leigh, UK

" Thank you so much Kev, you have ways helped! I’ll sign up for 6 months again! You are unbelievable! Can u remove my auto renewal like last time please and there are no words for you 🙂 "

Leigh, UK

" Just a quick one, Kev. Am i correct saying i can still only have it on one computer, so i couldn’t have on my laptop and pc. That would be very helpful as like on my home pc and while I’m working on laptop. Thank you magic man! "

Robert, Germany

" Thx.... Today a nice test game with GoWin EnL1 -Bradefort City 👍👍👍 "


" I have been a GoWin user for 2 years+. I'm trying to make this tribute short, but its hard to. GoWinSoftware is clearly, without a doubt, -THE BEST TOOL in the market. The support and advice from people like Kevin and Dinos is just tremendous. When I started two years ago I never expected the major upgrades the GoWin Team recently delivered, especially the latest upgrade FULL FORCE (I love that tagline😃) - Thanks. My advice if you want to beat them at their game, if you want that cutting edge advantage 1) Buy a GoWin Licence 2) Understand and learn how to use it. 3) Seek to improve consistently 4) Be patient but consistent Wish you all the best. "

Alessandro, Italy

" Your software is brilliant "

Dinos, Greece

" I've been a GoWin! user for 5 years! 💪 What can I say for all these 5 years? Well if I start today, I will finish in 2 years I think 😀. I just can't express my feelings! GoWin! is the BEST tool on the market 😉 And last but not least. The people behind the smart engine? Specialists 😉 They work hard to develop it and help users 24/7 🙌 Thank you so much!!! Dinos "

Alex, UAE

" Just renewed my subscription. I am always happy about your software. "

Lee, UK

" PS Loving the software and it has already paid for itself. "

Gabriel, UK

" Hi Kevin, thanks for the trial last weekend - i really like the techniques and what can be done with them. "

Daniele, Italy

" Hi. I'm your old customer I've got good results with Over2.5 matches. "

Rayan, France

" Je vous félicite pour ce logiciel superbe. I want to congratulate you for this superb software. "

Vitor, Portugal

" Tenho este software á cerca de 1 mês, acho que é um ferramenta poderosa e acho que o segredo passa pela aposta nas ligas que o software indica que acerta com maior percentagem. Até agora fiz alguns testes, quero trabalhar mais com o gowinsoftware para tirar mais partido.
I have had it for about a month, I think it's a powerful tool, and I think the secret is to focus on the leagues that have the highest percentage. So far I've made a few tests, I want to work more with it and get more out of it. "

Thorsten, Germany - live from FCK Stadium Kaiserslautern

" GoWin the best! "

Onur, Turkey

" Hi Kevin, I have purchased the software, my Order Number is: … . I have used the trial and i was happy with it, waiting for your email to re-download and activate the program. Thanks. "

Mark, UK

" A brilliant set of predictions from the software. What a nice series that would have been! "

Xavier, France

" Pour commencer, j'aime beaucoup votre logiciel, j'ai eu une bonne prise en main même si je ne connait pas tout. To begin, I love your software a lot. I had a good grip even if I do not know everything. "

Luca, Switzerland

" Hello Kevin. Good day to you. Hope you’re fine. I'm waiting for the technique. Can't wait for this technique. I'm very happy. Thank you for the answer and sending the technique. Wish you a beautiful day.
And thanks for all the support that you provide on Facebook, Kevin. "

Mark, UK

" I think the biggest indicator of away win is the brilliant blue biorhythm. For me the biorhythm is the best signal! "

Jeong Hoon, South Korea

" Your Team is "crazy", very smart!! I love Techniques!! Wonderful! More easy, more convenience, more winning options! Fantastic! Thanks! Best Christmas gift haha. … "

Ove, Denmark

" Many thanks, it’s really a great program, I’ll continue to use it many, many years. "


" WON! Superb result! Still the best ever soccer software out there!!! "

Andreas, South Africa

" It’s not always just about this... It can only go thus far... you the "end user" have to make the final call as to where and what as well as how many games you have selected... GoWin is the Best out there... PERIOD. "

Fertig, Hungary

" And I have to admit I love your software after using it for 14 days. Amazing. "

Rok, Slovenia

" And i must say u do a great job in statistics and predictions. I love the program.
Wow, nice, i like this system :) and also i will take the program for more months in next days, i like the prediction and analytics u do, it's really good. Thanks for help! "

Erik, Canada

" Hi Kevin, I would like to say THANKS for the AWESOME answer you gave to me. I've been working in computing for 22 years now, and in these years I have contacted MANY MANY tech support services. I gotta say, you guys have the BEST support I have ever seen in my entire career!
I also sent one or two emails to GoWin in the past, asking a couple of questions (that was Pre-Sale). I remember I also had very detailed answers. This brings a lot of value to your company / software, and it's for this exact reason I decided to buy! Congratulations and keep up the good work :) "


" Gowinsoftware gave me so much confidence after studying the best possible outcome of the match. Thanks to most of your post I’ve gotten a better understanding of the game too. "

Skander, France

" Thank you, you are speedy. Very good job, i love working with you! "

Hugh, UK

" Hello, Kevin. I am in position to order your excellent software, and now I can pay for it. How long does it take from ordering to deliver please - I can't remember? Also, please could you remind me how much it costs? "

Hamilton, Portugal

" Hello my friend, I’m very satisfied with the product so i decided to buy the product… "

Alexander, Germany

" It is so fuckin awesome bro. You got my fullest respect what u created there with this magical powerful software. I swear. I am totally happy Best gift I got is Gowin. "

Artem, Germany

" Leider muss ich ihnen mitteilen das unsere wege zum ende meines abos sich leider trennen. Der grund dafür ist nicht das ich unzufrieden bin oder so. Ich bin begeister von GoWin. Das programme ist mehr als eine waffe gegen die buchmacher und ich dankbar und stolz darauf ein benutzer davon zu sein gewesen. Warum ich mich trennen muss, ist das mein laptop defekt ist und wir...... eigentlich meine frau, umstegen mochte auf Macbook. Naturlich suchte ich losung auch dafur, und fand sie. Beide in einem. Das mochte meine frau nicht. Mein vorschlag ware zum monats ende kundigen, und sie loschen mich nicht von euren kunden liste. Ich werde bestimmt losung finden und mit meinem eigen dann anknupfen bei euch. mfg. Danke das beste support-team weltweit!
I have to inform you that our ways at the end of my subscription will unfortunately separate. The reason for that is not that I am dissatisfied or so. I am enthusiastic about GoWin. The program is more than a weapon and I am grateful and proud to have been a user of it. Why I have to separate, is because my laptop is broken and we..... actually my wife, wanted to switch to a Macbook. Of course I was looking for a solution and found it. Both in one. My wife didn't like that. My suggestion would be to terminate it at the end of the month, and you not to delete me from your customer list. I will definitely find solution and then I will come back. Kind regards. Thank you the best support team worldwide! "

Vitor, Portugal

" Good morning Kevin, I bought the 1 year package, I can not live without Gowinsoftware! "

Andreas, Greece

" Hi Kevin, I still love gowin as a top software. Cheers! "

Cameron, UK

" I will more than likely renewal my subscription in a couple months. I'm just super busy right now and go away tomorrow and don't come back for a while. "

Saban, Turkey

" Hey Kevin. GoWin is a very cool program. I experimented with it and admired its features. "

Alessandro, Italy

" Very, very thanks for your work! "

Kanem, Nigeria

" I tested gowin and it’s good. I'm looking forward to buying it. Tnx Mr Kevin. "

Roman, Austria

" Okay thanks. I'll try it. I have already read some tips. Must now wait for the weekend. So far, I'm happy with the software… "

Roman, Austria

" Hello, I have to ask again. I hope I do not bother. Can you explain how I use a technique? When I do the performance I have to choose the technique every time. And then again in the prediction select? I am satisfied with the software so far and I will probably buy it soon. But I need some help because I do not speak English that well. Many Thanks!! "

Taiye, Nigeria

" Hi Kevin, Thanks for explaining this. I have had some wonderful results with this. "

Alessandro, Italy

" I Love GoWin. "

Roland, Germany

" Like always genius GoWin! "

Florin, Romania

" Good job Dinos, congratulation GoWin. I applied your method in Japan league !!! "

Dinos, Greece

" Yes Alom, I am THE man, because this is THE software! "

Mário, Portugal

" I must admit, in all my years of dealing with different kinds of online help and support, your response was probably one of the fastest, personal and... well... dare i say kind of joyful, which is a nice change of pace for me. Oh! And thank you so much for setting me up with a trial license, that was really nice. :) "

Benjamin, Nigeria

" Wow! I really appreciate gowin, u guyz are extremely wonderful, i love u guyz! "

Ikechukwu, Nigeria

" I must confess that compared to other software out there, yours is the best. GoWIN is concise and has detailed statistics which one can use in making individual choices. "

Theresa, Singapore

" Much thanks for your prompt support. I am pleased with GoWin so far. Still on a learning curve but see so much potential. "

Luis, Mexico

" Thank u! Yesterday 4 of 4 :O "

Erik, Canada

" Hi there, I recently bought GoWin. It's my first time with this software. There's a bit of a learning curve, but it seems REALLY powerful! "

Nwachukwu, Nigeria

" Seriously, I am so so grateful. You are few in this world. God bless you sir. I pray to be favoured from this help to subscribe with u guys. Because, I have not been favoured since I started 2 yrs ago. "

Dennis, UK

" Okay I have to say from the free trial it looks really good. "

Fiifi, Ghana

" Your software is the best. Thanks for the good work! "


" Hello, I enjoyed the free trial given to me. Now I am looking forward to purchasing a licence. "

Paty, Brazil

" That's why GoWin is the best software with the best service. Thank you :) "

Oscar, Tanzania

" The best software I have tried. I will keep on trying till when I get money to buy it. Thumbs Up! "

Babadele, Nigeria

" I will like to commend you for the GREAT software you've developed. After going through the Demo version and seeing all the features and accuracy.....Kudos is not enough. Please, I will appreciate it if I can get a FREE TRIAL for the weekend. Thanks in anticipation… Thanks I appreciate you and great work for quick response… God speed. "

Jeong Hoon, South Korea

" BEST ! BEST ! BEST ! TODAY ROPS Home win against INTER TURKU !👍 "

Taiwo, Nigeria

" There's a clear difference between quantity and quality.....You guys are doing a great job, helping people with your incomparable software#KUDOS# "

Oscar, Tanzania

" I wish I had it. Thanks to the developers! "

Jude, Nigeria

" Best software ever. Always coming out ahead. "

Kazim, Turkey

" Perfect... "

Lee, UK

" Excellent....and Thank You for the swift reply. Had me in a sweat there. I can’t be without My GoWin. "

Chrispus, Nigeria

" This is my second day using it and i can affirm that, it has incredible outcome. I like its predictions and tools to make an informed decision. Gowin is Real. "

Babadele, Nigeria

" Wow.....I really appreciate your effort in helping me to put these 'enemies' to shame. Thank you for the Trial. Have a great day! "

Boon Peng, Singapore

" Thanks FYI, It's a great software with powerful data. I will do free advertisement for you guys. Thanks again. "

Nwachukwu, Nigeria

" Oga Kelvin thanks sir, i am having challenge with the network to update database. I have tried and tried, to no avail. Always saying internet error… I have downloaded it, finish sir. Long live Gowin! "

Maximilian, Germany

" Hello Kevin, Cool, thank you very much! I would have not thought of this great answer! Happy to have found a site with such great support :) Best regards Maximilian "

Alessandro, Italy

" Amazing... Gowin is the best! "

Humphrey, Kenya

" This site is very good I like your tools. "

Cecilia, Kenya

" GoWin! always brings me hapiness... Thanks Kevin. "

Goran, Serbia

" Great software, I have good results with manual tune. "

Luca, Switzerland

" Your software is so wonderful. I have a wish. Is it please possible to have for next season… "

Babadele, Nigeria

" Good day, i just want to say thank you for the weekend FREE TRIAL offer I was given....I want to appreciate you for everything. I was able to use the manual tuning and from around 13 games I finally screened out (utilizing the confidence and exempting lower leagues), I got a powerful selection. Though I just did a paper test on it, am very satisfied with the high level of accuracy GOWIN is loaded with, and I believe I will have my chance again with the software. Thanks for your generosity. "

Milandu, Zambia

" I know gowin can do wonders. I just have got a hang of it. Thank you once again Bro. "

Kemal, Turkey

" Kevin, i buy program 40gbp and now i have much more really good program. Thank you bro! "

Fiifi, Ghana

" Hello, I have been using your free trial for sometime now and i really enjoy it and hope to buy the full version one day. "

Dani, UK

" Your software is really good. " Tim, UK

" Getting into the system now, very impressed. "

Milandu, Zambia

" This past weekend Gowin was awesome.
Now that's a kick ass software for you. Can't wait for all the leagues to commence. "

Auré, France

" Hello, it's been 6 months since I subscribed to your super software. It helps me a lot and I must confess that it is full of interesting stats. I had focused a lot on the +1.5 goals but the margins are not high enough. So I wanted to know if you have good advice to follow. What would you suggest? Thank you in advance "

Nwachukwu, Nigeria

" Gowin, from all indication remains the best from evidence, I am seeing."

Cecilia, Kenya

" Ok...thanks alot....you guys have really improved it. Loving the new system" Henry

" Thanks very much Gowin. I appreciate. You guys are doing a good job."


" Best soccer software ever. Cool way of making things better. "

Leonard, Kenya

" Cool! Tested the program and I must say am impressed am yet to master the art around it. Anyways like agreed, I pay for the first 2 months then send me the stuff Tuesday when this trial expires. Again great stuff mate. Cheers! "

Leonard, Kenya

" Already received it you are very fast am impressed. "

Jude, UK

" Great results over the weekend. This is another one from GO FOR VICTORY. Gowin rocks! "

Jude, Nigeria

" Nice one! GO FOR VICTORY, also applicable in Russia. Kudos guys! "

Alom, Brazil

" The best tool is Gowin. "

Oscar, Tanzania

" You are the best. I tried Dinos technique over the weekend. It made it. "

Tolis, Greece

" Thank you very much. I want to learn the program. It is very good.

Jude, Nigeria

" Just can't do without this software. Starting the English League with a great advantage. Thanks to Gowin. "

Leonard, Kenya

" The program seems to be working fine. My only question is how do I fine tune for better results. Otherwise the program is great and am enjoying it. "

Alex , Germany

" Hello Kevin, I liked the program, I'll wait for the main championships, and then I'll take a subscription, thanks for the test. "

Kelechi, Nigeria

" This is an amazing application. I am already making plans for the purchase as soon as the money enters. Also you guys should begin to plan for the Android version. Thank you so much for coming to our aid in this industry. Cheers! "

Oscar, Tanzania

" GoWinSoftware is the best ever. Guaranteed. "

Alabi, Nigeria

" Good day to you, thanks for all your great support and extended gift on GOWIN, please I will like to be added to this month FREE TRIAL as the seasons have really commence. Thank you "

Fabien, France

" Hello, thank you for your quick reply, I understand what you explained, in any case I discover the software little by little and I find it very well, complete, daily updated, it is a Pleasure. I wish you a good day. "

Orazio, Italy

" Ora è tutto risolto. Il vostro sw mi sta dando delle buone sensazioni. Se imparo ad usarlo penso di comprarlo. Grazie.
Everything works fine now. It is giving me good feelings. If I learn to use it, I will think about buying it. Thank you. "

João Luis, Brazil

" So far, Wonderful! "

Skander, France

" Thank you, all is working now. You do a very good job, thank you. "

Mitch, UK

" Loving the software but the guides are very hard to understand for new people. We could do with some step by step guides for new users who have never used it before. "

Orazio, Italy

" Salve, ho avuto modo di provare il vostro sw è devo dire che sono rimasto soddisfatto. Penso che prossimamente lo comprerò. Ma avrei da fare alcune domande prima... Hi, I've tried your sw and I have to say that I was satisfied. I think I'll buy it soon. But I would have to ask some questions first... "

Jeffrey, Kenya

" Hello, I am really happy with your software but there are some games that I cannot find, maybe I am the one who doesn't know how to look. I am in Kenya and we use sportp...sa, kindly help where to find these games. I love it! "

Fabien, France

" Very good! "

Jeffrey, Kenya

" Hello, how are you, anyway this time i can’t complain, i am having a plan to buy your software in full at the end of this month.
I can see you allowed me to use it up to Tuesday and it has expired. I like it, I have referred many friends of mine to it and they like it. For now I can’t use it because just told me the session has expired. Thanks a lot. "

Jeffrey, Kenya

" I know for now you can’t add me some days ahead but the software is woow… "

Orazio, Italy

" Grandi! …e venerdì se non fosse stata per la Grecia facevo Bingo :) A proposito, complimenti per ...! Great! …and Friday if it wasn’t Greece I would have shout Bingo! :) By the way, congratulations for ...! "


" FC Olimpiyets Nizhny Novgorod - Spartak Moscow. GoWinSoftware signaling an upset match. I believe this will be the outcome because GoWinSoftware is MAGIC!....Get GoWIN People it’s the BEST! "


" …GoWin effect! Simply the Best. "

Immanuel, Nigeria

" Hello and Good Day, Having evaluated your software program and loving it, I believe it has potential... I want to suggest some improvement and hopefully it will make the next upgrade. There are a lot of matches being played in a day and mostly midweek and weekends and it has an active database of matches with best predictions from a particular region and country league. I suggest that a new section be added to it that covers the event of the day with the best choice selection. …It will solve the problem of needing another site or program for "event of the day"..... It should only cover leagues with best performance. I don't know if am making sense? "

Oscar, Tanzania

" Again GoWinSoftWare has made it. That's the best software i have witnessed so far. Congrats the developer! "


" Good day. I heard about Gowinsoftware from a friend of mine. He told me how awesome it is. I want to test its efficiency myself. May I have access to a free trial for some days please? Thank you in advance. "

Serkan, Switzerland

" Beste programme Gowin. The best! "

Kire, UK

" Hi Kevin, Gowin is by far the best software on the market. But, can I give a suggestion, please? Can you program it so it will give the predicted… It would be of great help if you can do it. Thanks in advance. "

Lebogang, South Africa

" One of my friends referred me to you, saying this is the best software. I would like to test it, please gimme a trial version. "

Andreas, South Africa

" I wanted to find out how long it will take to have a monthly subscription of the Gowin Software to be delivered. I have Tested it and I am very impressed. "

Sebastien, Belgium

" Thanks Gowin!!! Germany Regionalliga West and Regionalliga Bayern."


" GOWIN Magic! Super Awesome! Go Get it Soccer Fans! "

Rasmus, Denmark

" Hi there... I’m loving your software but i am sitting here going through today’s games and it struck me that what the program is missing is the ability to make a Favorite list of the matches you identify as having potential and want to look closer at... "

Agisilaos, Greece

" First result today in Segunda, Lugo - Valladolid - Osasuna thanks to GoWin. I can’t wait for that (i.e. new version), for sure I will use GoWin for a long time. "

Roki, Slovenia

" Best program! Yes, I use it every day and like that it always is Top Performance. I just love it. "

Leigh, UK

" Very nice software. Is there any redeem codes for new members? I would like to be involved. Thanks mate. "

Leigh, UK

" Was so happy with the software, mate! "

Ove, Denmark

" Yes I will. Now we are running it on the new computer. Just perfect software and great help. Now jumping into football again. Thx for the help! "

Emmanuel, Nigeria

" Hello Sir. The free trial u promised that will end on Wednesday has stopped working since yesterday. Is there any way to adjust the remaining two days for me before buying this weekend? Good software but am just trying to master it when it stopped working. "

Roki, Slovenia

" Happy to use it. I must say that it is worth much more. It is worth every penny. "

Abiola, Nigeria

" Hello Kevin, I made a blunder yesterday, but what I want to tell you is that Gowin software is superb. I will keep exploring the techniques to see how I will make good use of it. Anything that will assist me to do well using it, please do not hesitate to help me. "

Léo, France

" This one was a bit risky due to the home win percentage for last two months in Cyprus D1 (60%) and the small ranking difference, but great odd, great win! Thanks Gowin from France! "

Theresa, Singapore

" Thank you so much Kevin. You run an honest, reputable business. Appreciate it. Cheers! "

Abiola, Nigeria

" Hello Kevin, this is to thank you for your assistance, truly GOWIN is superb, as I use it daily I discover some of the new and hidden benefits. I know my trial version will end tomorrow but I crave your indulgence to assist me to extend it to weekend. Hopefully I will have saved enough money to pay for at least one month if not 2 months. "

Mircea-Vasile, Romania

" Super. I like GoWin!!! "

João Luiz, Brazil

" The software is wonderful! "

Taiwo, Nigeria

" Leave the PRIVILEGE and go with the PRIORITY....Gowin Software is the best. #Don Dada.... #The software of the season# #Historic# "

Mircea-Vasile, Romania

" I have had it for 2 years now. It is very sharp. You must have plenty of time to understand all. "

João, Brazil

" GoWin is Wonderful! "

Jude, Nigeria


Van Linh, Vietnam

" Clear Home WIN! Lovely GOWIN! Match finished: 3-2 "

Léo, France

" OK, that worked. This seems really nice, great job, I'm grateful, many thanks. "


" CONGRATULATIONS once again for the new GOWIN. You and your team keep improving on the software with new ideas, improved analysis engine and improved user friendly interface. Keep it up. "

Taiye, Nigeria

" Hi Kevin, Great work to update GoWin. "

Joe, Martinique

" Gowinsoftware is the best software in the world. "

Jeong Hoon, South Korea

" Good Job! I can't stop enjoying Gowin. We keep in touch… Best New Year gift!! :) I love techniques options. That will bring me more value! :) Thank you Gowin! "

Vitor, Portugal

" Esta última actualização vem simplificar muito o que podia parecer confusso. Comprei á 1 mês o software e com esta actualização fiquei muito mais claro do que vou fazer, e ainda não percebi alguns itens. Mas o essencial para ter sucesso axo que já encontrei. Parabéns Kevin e a tua equipa.
This latest update comes to simplify a lot what could have seemed confusing. I bought it 1 month ago and with this update it became much clearer what I have to do, and I still have not noticed some items. But I think I have already found the essential thing to be successful. Congratulations Kevin and your team. "

Maher, France

" Hi Team, I've just gotten the program and I've installed, updated... Amazing :) Thank you again "

Rob, Germany

" Great Performance... I have been testing it for 14 days... good results. "

Afnan, UK

" Thank you for quick reply I appreciate it. It’s working now. GoWin is definitely the best software I have come across. "

Stoyan, Bulgaria

" Hello dude, Merry Christmas :) Nice software dude. I use the free trial these days. It’s good. "

Cecilia, Kenya

" @john, I have tried and tested Gowin....awesome software ...gérìã wõné (try it!) "

Bruno, France

" Houaaaa gowin too powerful!!! "

Cecilia Mwangi

" Yaaaay Long live Gowin... I will be so excited... then I can purchase thereafter... Please inform me here after that so I can check my mails...Thank you Kevin. "

Odd Arild, Norway

" Hello. Great tool you have developed. I wonder if it is possible to get the tech. settings people are sharing here on fb? "

Alexander, Germany

" Thank you so much! Can’t thank u enough! You are better than all the rest in web! I swear. "

Mike, UK

" Ok I will give it a try and see how I get on - awesome support by the way. "

Joe, Kenya

" Words cannot just express how grateful I am. You've been my hero Kevin. I will look into it in a big way. Thank you Sir. "

Giuseppe, Italy

" Great this software! Here is the screenshot of the last 6 months, not bad this method. "

Alexander, Germany

" I know it is best tool ever! And best customer support ever! This people want to help and not profit! "

Taye, Nigeria

" This is like an inter ballistic nuclear warhead targeted at the enemies "


" This is really good. Can't wait to test all the new features. It works..... "

Andreas, South Africa

" Awesome... GoWin getting better & better. "

Wayne, Kenya

" Gowin making my future look brighter. "

Odd Arild, Norway

" Hello. Due to my job situation I need 2 licenses, 1 for work and 1 for home so I ordered 2. Another thing I noticed, the techniques almost did a full house on Sunday, impressive. "

Miky, Cote d'Ivoire

" Merci beaucoup, j’ai beaucoup apprecier le logiciel. Thanks a lot, I have appreciated the software a lot. "

Barry, UK

" I had the software last weekend and was impressed with depth of information. Bit confusing on how to use but very informative. "

André, Portugal

" Oh, and btw, I'm really impressed how you guys keep pushing the envelope. It's nice to see how you keep trying to improve and add new techniques to your already awesome software. Congrats and keep up the amazing work. "

Guillaume, France

" Hello I bought your software for 6 months and I think it's a treasure of good information. "

Stoyan, Bulgaria

" You are the best. I just got a new account and waiting to send me to my email the new password… It’s done! Good job and good luck my friend. "

Gerald, Austria

" GoWin is a fine thing, it's a pity that I haven't discovered this software before. "

Armando, Spain

" Hi Kevin. In the future, will it be a technique related to this? Very soon I'll buy u'r software. No doubt, a software which can predict a draw is a must have... Cheers "

Armando, Spain

" …Thanks a lot for the fast reply. Soon, next month I'll buy the one month license. From all software, Gowin is the most powerful. Cheers. "

Joe, Kenya

" You guys are constantly up the ladder on daily improvements. For two years that I have been with Gowin, the new version really interacts with us. That's awesome!!! "

Spuros, Greece

" This new version is more easy and useful! Very simple, unbelievable! "

Blessing, Zambia

" Will recommend this to serious sports investors. "

R G, France

" Thank you. I just want you know, your software is awesome!! "

Marco, Germany

" I'm very excited about GoWin, the techniques, etc.,. "

Ove, Denmark

" All help is appreciated :-) :-) :-) Just a perfect software. I’m staying with it the rest of my life ;-) "

Martin, France

" The magnificent power of GoWin! "

Mário, Portugal

" Kudos to all Gowin team for always striving to improve their software and techniques because that way we all win! Oh, and thank you to all Gowin users that shared their systems and techs with the rest of the community... Especially Dinos and Kimmo! Keep up the good work. "

André, Portugal

" Ohhh! I hope so! Thx for the help Kevin... Again! And let me just say that without a doubt in terms of helping your "customers" the GoWin Team is the best! Hands down! "


" I'm like a kid in a candy store. Just tested the new feature. Why wait till tomorrow… let's GoWin today. "

André, Portugal

" Thx! And that's the reason why you always will have here a faithful customer. Your dedication to your community is commendable. "

Mircea-Vasile, Romania

" Only a few months and there is a real explosion of new methods. I just keep up with them. I am very pleased that your initiatives are in favour of users. Taking care for customers is praised. Thank you and I admire you. "

David, UK

" Just thought I would get in touch with you again to let you know how things are going – and they are going well! "

James, Kenya

" The software is very, very good "

Vitor, Portugal

" I get impatient when there are no games and I choose without following GoWin but I end up without the same results. It is quite explicit that only following the software I can have great results. Thanks again Kevin Greetings. "


" Just got your email. You support is as good as advertised. "

John, Italy

" Hi, the purchased program is great! This morning I reset the computer and I tried to install the program again only that it tells me that it has already been installed and I can not open the previous one. How do I solve the problem, sorry is one day I bought the program and I'm not practical. "

Sunny, Nigeria

" GOWIN software provides several options to better than the opponents. And the GOWIN team keeps improving it with new functionalities and improved analytic engine. Many thanks to Dinos for this great technique! And for sharing as usual. If you are not familiar with this wonderful technique, please use the link below to watch the youtube video from DINOS himself, so you can appreciate this technique and work done. Thanks! "

Jay, USA

" Hi Kevin, Many thanks for approving my request. I really don't know how else I can thank you. I have the best company to work with now. Best regards, Jay. "

Cecilia, Kenya

" Why I love GoWin, only Man U let me down out of 14 games… Thanks Kevin… I love it and I keep advertising it to my friends in Kenya... I mad it many times with it… Long live GoWin! "


" Another great help by the great Gowin. This is awesome. "


" I would like to know when my current subscription expires. Regards, Qpunter - A very satisfied customer "

Jacques, Belgium

" Thanks Kevin I give it a try. Your service and quick responding messages is Top. "

Agisilaos, Greece

" Thanks for your reply my friend. Keep up the good work. "

Artem, Germany

"Good morning, have now intensively tested the program for 2 days. THIS IS A WEAPON I love :). Through analysis and your tips I have gotten a lot better. They were absolutely right, the free sites do not even have nearly the results that GoWin can do. Simply fantastic."

Filipe, Portugal

" I don’t understand this program. I wait the free trial to test next weekend but it’s confusing. Chris, Germany: “But when u understand it, u will Love it too :-) “ "

Mark, Australia

" OK I suspected that it would have to be something like that. Still familiarising myself with some aspects. I can't thank you enough for giving me an extended look at the software. I really appreciate it "

Mark, Australia

" You are obviously that other rare thing. Consider the word spread. "

Baha, Turkey

" Uygulama çok basarili. Hacim verileri güzel analiz edersen kazançli kapatirsin. Tesekkürler Gowin. The application is very successful. If you analyze the data nicely, you’ll have better results. Thank you. "

Thorsten, Germany

" GoWin amazing! First half in 3 days I have ..." "

Taiwo, Nigeria

" Top notch..... Keep it up "


" This is GOWIN prediction for CHINA: Jia League - Round 10 today, Never in doubt. Pay attention to the stats, you will understand WHY. Thanks to GOWIN "

João Luiz, Brazil

" Gowin is Fantastic! "

Pauline, Germany

" Hiya, I've been hearing some good reviews about your software, and some pretty good recommendations. "

Pauline, Germany

" Hi Kevin, I just got the free trial. Your service is truly amazing for prompt responses. That's very good. "

Moe Tun, Myanmar

" Pls. continue your prompt service. Actually, I am happy with your service. "

Tunaer, Turkey

" Hello Kevin, I use great software, I just need to gain personal experience. What do you recommend to catch the hit in the estimates? Your software is a complete engineering wonder and I want to know everything I need to do to make use of it. "

Roman, Austria

" OK. Thank you! I have already made some good thigs. So far I am very satisfied with the software. "

Tom, Germany

" Okay Thanks. The Software is awesome "

Alessandro, Italy

" L'avevo scritto sul mio articolo. GoWin! ti porto dritto dritto al profitto!
I wrote it on my article. GoWin! will take you straight to delight! "

Luiz, Brazil

" Hi Kevin, decided to keep using GoWin software. I have some ideas that could improve it, if I may: - To have the performance and profit zone… That would also help us in choosing the best strategy based on GoWin data. - … should also weight on the difficulty of the match when making the calculations. Just my two cents to improve it. "

Mariusz, Ireland

" You always need a bit of luck :-) If u want 2 be filthy rich ;-) ... I'm using GoWin and it’s great! There is no better one and I would suggest anybody to give a go. And Kevin you are SIMPLY THE BEST :-) "

João Luiz, Brazil

" Hi, I need to know when my license ends so I can renew, because I do not want to be without gowin! "

Jean-Claude, Canada

" Good evening GoWin Team, First I would like to congrat you for the fantastic job... had the software a while back and must admit I am glad I subscribe again. "

Oskari, Finland

" Hello, I like your program. "

Oskari, Finland

" Oh, and if i want to use the program with my brother (two different computers) do we have to buy 2 licenses? "

Andreas, South Africa

" FANTASTIC GOWIN MAGICAL weekend!!!!! Super Awesome. Thanks, Gowin. "

John, Greece

" With big distance in biorhythm and estimated goals!! Amazing tool. I prefer safety. My yesterday’s results were amazing. "

Kevin, Kenya

" Hi Go Win, I purchased a licence some time back and I found the software very useful. I feel I could have done more with it but due to lack of knowledge I didn’t fully utilize it. Is it possible to get a video tutorial once I purchase it so that I can fully utilize it? "

Firat, Turkey

" I did it, thank you again. See you soon Kevin. Yesterday, National League, 8/8, really awesome. "


" Never relent, never settle for less... Gowin is the best software out there with credibility and value for money. "

Alaribe, Nigeria

" Wonderful results. It can only be seen in gowin software. "

Hugh, UK

" Hello, Kevin. I need your help again, please. I had to have a factory-reset done on my computer, so I lost the installation of your excellent program. Could you send me the ID code & the licence key again please? "

Kevin, Kenya

" Hi Kevin, First of all I want to thank you so much for sending me Andreas technique, it made me some impressive things over the weekend!!! This software has turned out to be the missing link for me. I was wondering if you have any other technique. Again, am extremely grateful. "

John, Greece

" Amazing software!! "

David, Kenya

" Thank you Kevin. Its Good working with you. "

Jeffrey, Kenya

" Hello, I am much pleased with your software. "

Didier, France

" Thank you so much, i like statistics and your software is very helpful. Great job. Didier. "

Ralph, France

" Maybe by then u will create mobile version of ur marvelous app plsss. "


" Just when you thought things couldn't get better. I know GoWin is going to surprise me. I have that feeling. Let's Smash the Enemies! "

Chekwubechukwu, Nigeria

" WOW!!! The new GoWin. I can't wait to get it soon… if u guys don't have it... men I tell u... U are missing this football tool badly... Thanks GoWin for making me green!!! "

Alessandro, Italy

" Eheheh thank you for Gowin, best software ever. "

Kim, South Korea

" Thank you. It's great program and great work. "

Ewald, Netherlands

" Anyway, enough possibilities! But what an incredible software is this! "

Alexander, Kenya

" Hey, hope you are well. Just bought the license… Without Gowin i don’t feel comfortable. Thanks indeed for the software... keeps me Going "

Dean, Belgium

" Hello Kevin, Thanks for all the information, your software is good, but your service is also good. Keep up the good work. "

Gerald, Austria

" Hello Kevin, Thank you very much for your detailed answer, I am always amazed how precise and understandable you answer, just great! I've been using GoWin! for quite some time now and of course I'm thrilled by the countless possibilities. I as a beginner am now after 1 year so far that I understand the processes and can better handle things in the real world. For time reasons I can trust only the existing techniques, and I must say, it works! In months of work I created all results of all 19 techniques as Excel archive and programmed an evaluation routine. The more data the archive has, the better the result will be. So for each month, each quarter, each calendar week I can find the 6 best techniques and use them for my game. It's very amazing what big differences there are from quarter to quarter, even from the techniques at the top… You are doing a great job and I am happy to have found you! Many greetings "

John, Italy

" Thanks Kevin for the answer, very useful! Good job! "

Alexander, Kenya

" Thanks for the software, it’s my addiction. Your app is awesome."

Andreas, Greece

" Hello, and first of all, congratulations for this amazing software you have created. "

Assane, Senegal

" Thank a lot you are the best in the world. "

Jonathan, UK

" Shame it won’t work for me but good going lads well done. "

Leonard, Kenya

" I really need the subscription man just tell me what to do. "

Roman, Germany

" Hello! I find the Gowin software very exciting. Unfortunately I had to change my pc for the second time. I have to reinstall it again. I need a key. Please help me. ...very good support! Many Thanks! "

Marco, Germany

"I've been using GoWin for a week and find it good. I also have a small strategy, which up until now is good. I also have understood it completely!"

Alessandro, Italy

"Grazie Kevin e Grazie per l'impegno e per il fantastico programma che avete creato. Thank you Kevin for your commitment and for the fantastic program you have created."

Vincent Claire, Réunion

"Hi, i have bought your software, it's cool, i will use it both on my PC and my portable computer."

Tony, UK

"I'm still new to the GoWin club but i really like the look and its potential."

Karim, France

"Votre site est extraordinaire, franchement, je suis super content, cela va énormément m'aider à accomplir beaucoup. Encore merci.
Your site is extraordinary, frankly, I am super happy, this will enormously help me a achieve a lot. Thank you again."

Dinos, Greece

"For a successful safari, you need a good guide! And GoWin is the best one!!!"

Mark, UK

"Gowin - the most fearsome predator in the world :-)"

Andrei, Ireland

"My name is Andrei and I have heard so many good things about the software and the high quality customer relation your team has, that i decided to give it a go as well. Was wondering any chance i get a free trial so i can test it as well?"

Jude, Nigeria

"GoWin is a powerful tool for selecting the best of the best... try it!!!"

Andreas, Greece

"Zoom is nice."

Mark, UK

"Can you tell me the dynamics behind the Biorhythm? To say I'm impressed by it is an understatement! It practically tells you a probable outcome, even if the percentages and actual prediction are different! I've been going through all matches over the last few days, and by just looking at the biorhythm, have predicted most results correctly, or identified matches to avoid."

Senyo, Ghana

"Thanks for the good work GoWin Go High"

Barry, Trinidad and Tobago

"I can tell you that you got excellent support, a lot of companies don't......soccer is all day all night so i'm always live."

Taiye, Nigeria

"I have been using GoWin for 2 months now and I am very pleased with the results. I want to renew subscription but I need the following questions to be answered…"

Ildar, Russia

"Hello friend, I like your program."

Alain, France

"Bonjour Monsieur, Super votre logiciel de prediction… Hello, Your software is super… "

Yiannis, Greece

"Recently I made a monthly subscription and I'm still testing it before I go all in! This is really amazing software and I must admit I'm in love with it since day one!! I have been applying almost all the techniques here and of course Dino's Master the X."

Emoheart, Facebook

"Simply the best! Amazing result, love this!!"

Sunny, Nigeria

"Hello DINOS, this is a wonderful tool, since you shared the technique in your earlier post, i have been using it and it works perfectly..."

Emoheart, Facebook

"High odd won! GoWinSoftware still the best!!! Better get this software and forget the rest anyone out there"

Sunny, Nigeria

"Hello GOWIN users, Please see DINOS method in action again. Outsmart the competition with GOWIN software + DINOS methods..."

Alon, UK

"Thanks Kevin for both emails, very helpful and I can see hood value in this software."

Kire, UK

"I bought the license on the 24th of February and it was for one month. Now, I'm curious is it gonna renewed automatically or I need to re-purchase again. I'm asking to find out, as I'm considering getting a different payment plan."

Alessandro, Italy

"GoWin è spettacolare! Spectacular!"

Paul, UK

"Done a little double last night, it won just using biorhythms."

Juan, Colombia

"Muchas gracias por toda su ayuda, GOWIN es fantástico, me ha permitido alcanzar una superioridad duradera. Thank you very much for all your help, it’s fantastic, it has been enabling me to achieve lasting superiority."

Chris, Germany

"High value! Thx GoWin software :-)"

Alexandre, Rwanda

"How can i exetend my license? I bought one month to try, now i see your system is working very well."

Ζαφειριος, Greece

"Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work."

Dennis, UK

"Now that's what I call brilliant :-)))"

Vahid, Azerbaijan

"Господа!!! доброго времени всем !! я приобрел вашу программу на один месяц и уже на второй день он доказал свою ценность благодаря вашим превосходным анализам,посоветовал вашу программу своему другу,но он прежде купить вашу программу хочет воспользоватся с бесплатной версией вашей программы, вы можете подарить ему такое удовольствие?
Gentlemen!!! Good morning everyone!! I purchased your program for one month and already on the second day it proved its value thanks to your excellent analysis. I advised my friend to use it, but before he buys he wants to use the free version. Can you add him on the next free trial list? "

Fazli, Turkey

"Thanks KEVIN :) You are wonderful :)"

Alexander, Germany

"GoWin is so amazing. And you guys too! That's what has to be said =)"

Senyo, Ghana

"Hi Kevin, My subscription will end today and I will be extending it on Monday. Could you please give me a grace period till Monday 27th to subscribe again? Meanwhile, I want to thank you and your team for the great work you have been doing."

Antoine, France

"Hi Kevin thanks for the trial! I’m discovering the software and it seems to be good! One quick question please..."

William, UK

"Hello, thanks for the trial key... I already felt its power thanks to your tips & tricks :) I was wondering do you do a 6 month licence if not would you consider doing so? I love this I'm really interested in it. Thanks."

Alessandro, Italy

"Dinos you are the best and GoWin is amazing, yesterday in French Ligue 1 90% success!"

Hunh, Vietnam

"Very good!"

Yinka, Nigeria

"Thank you for response l will subscribe by the first week of february, is there anywhere l can watch a video of how to get the best choice? You have a flawless customer relation. Keep it up!"

Thorsten, Germany

"Guten morgen Kevin das habt ihr gut gemacht. Meine Fragen wie sind die Preise 12 Monate 6 Monate 3 Monate 1 Monat lg
Good morning Kevin. You have done a good job. My question is what are the prices for 12 month, 6 month, 3 month and 1 month subscriptions? Thanks!"

John, Nigeria

"Great test result GoWin trial. I am impressed!"

Яшар, Azerbaijan

"большое спасибо вам за данную программу на испытание я впечатлен вашей работой в в скором будущем куплю большое спасибо
Thank you very much for the trial program. I tested it and I am impressed with your work. I’ll buy it in the near future. Many thanks!"

Léo, France

"Again a lovely day... Merry Christmas GoWin! :)"

Francis, Kenya

"Hi, you guys are amazing... do you have a mobile app?"

Jacques, Belgium

"I am very pleased with your system it is the best one on the market.
Kevin you give a great support very happy with your company as soon as I am back on 5 december I will contact you again to buy a new licence this time for 6 months."

Tobias, Germany

"Wow thanks. I Love GoWin :)"

Taiye, Nigeria

"Your software is quite nice and I had good results on the first day."

Rusi, Bulgaria

"Thanks a lot! You are a great!"

Thorsten, Germany

"Big up Gowin from France, nice odds today! :)"

Léo, France

"Hi, I'm trying your app and find it really good, congratulations!"

Sunny, Nigeria

"Hello Again, this time it is DINOS D-Method with same style and highhhhhhh value. GOWIN's knockout hit on a boxing day. Please tell your friends and even your enemies that GOWIN is a real killer in the most positive sense..."

Erickson Oduya, Kenya

"You once sent me a trial version of the GoWIN and I liked it. I want to go a step further and buy the licence."

Engin, Turkey

"Good work..."


"The BEST! soccer tool i have ever come across! Keep it up guys, you guys are simply amazing!"

Mirko, Italy

"Hi, I'm trying the application and find it really good, congratulations!"

Jacques, Belgium

"Hi Kevin thx very much. I have already been following your product more than a year now I am very confident about it now and I like the new changes that have been done to the program compared to older versions. I agree with you, small leagues can give good results."

Wilson, Peru

"Me gusta la nueva version... I like the new version... "

Finn, Germany

"The software is very nice! There are very nice results. I still need a bit to learn how to find out the best games. The free trial was very nice at the first impression! I will buy the license tonight. Thank you very much! "

Olusoji, Nigeria

"Nice game."

Milandu, Zambia

"Hello everyone. I was one of the many that had an opportunity to try out 'GoWinSoftware' over the weekend. And here is my honest review. ...fantastic potential. My only regret is not using more permutations. Thanks Gowin! You are truly one of a kind. I'm surely going to buy the license!"

Facebook User, Bulgaria

"Very, very good!"

Sérgio Miguel, Portugal

"Thanks for that, you are the best. Thank you for the service, continue your excellent work. Cheers!"

Kazimierz, UK

"Thank you very much for GoWin Trial. New additions to the truth are useful."

Spuros, Greece

"Thank you very much! YOUR SUPPORT is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!"

Senyo, Ghana

"Interesting. Ger1 1 ->1X 111.9% 12.31 (11 of 11) Tuning: Auto fine tune Contrast: 0 Very accurate and I am discovering more. Thank you Kevin and the team."

Alexander, Germany

"F…ck the b... like they deserve :) I will play Dinos methods every day and they will be exterminated :) "

Milton, Portugal

"Thanx! I didn't have that luck I am certainly impressed with the high rate of results."

Angelo, Ghana

"I will like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for a wonderful work. GoWin, Go High!"

Francis, Uganda

"Wow!! My Boss Kevin, your Technical support is 10/10 (Ten over Ten). Finally everything is working as it should. Max respect! Francis."

Jean Philippe, France

"The zoom and the Profit Zones features are very welcome."

Gokhan, Turkey

"Thank for all helps your service works excellently..."

Kingsley, Nigeria

"Thanks for your amazing response."

Kazimierz, UK

"Hello Kevin. You are a true GoWin ambassador and good-natured man. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Kazimierz."

Alexander, Germany

"I want to extend my membership but can pay on November 2nd. Can u please extend my membership from tomorrow or when it ends so that i can play weekend selections? When this month is successful i will make one year membership! I like your software! "

Jacques, Belgium

"Hi Kevin I really congratulate you on the software. It is very user friendly and the best I have ever met so far. I have been playing around a bit with it and it is really nice "

Juan, Colombia

"Thank you so much. I am very happy with your job. And I have excellent results!!"

Pitsawat, Thailand

"Wow! Brother you good people. I like!"

Francis, Uganda

"Sorry i have been a bit quiet coz of some other commitments. I just want to thank you for the GoWin! trial. I learnt a lot from it. The Dinos method was working wonderfully whenever i applied it. My analysis was good. Had i played more i wouldn't have regretted. I wanted to feel the power of GoWin. And now i know and have a better understanding of what it is.
Now just to inform you that i am preparing to buy the full subscription anytime before this week ends. I will get back to you as soon as i am set. Thanks for your great software innovation! -GoWin Forever-"

John, Nigeria

"OK thanks! Will try it and get back to u....but i must commend you. You are doing a good job. i must confess."

Jacques, Belgium

" My conclusions about your system Very nice to work with it as I said before For lay out score 10/10 Fantastic user friendly score 10/10 Results No system is able to predict 100 percent scores correct but I am amazed with the good results of your system. For results I give your system 7/10.
For Netherlands and France you a score of 78 percent minimum score Premier League and Italy 56 % still above the half. Your system scores better than all other systems and thanks to your predictions i have discovered some interesting matches in not well known leagues like Ecuador. "

Spiros, Greece

"OK.....if I may, you have done a very good job. I am into research for about 15 years and i have tried a lot of methods. What you are doing is more or less what i am doing in order to predict a result. "

Kemal, Turkey

"I want to disable my monthly subscription. GoWin is amazing program i love it but i need to take a break a few months. Later I’ll join again. "

Sylvester, Nigeria

"It’s been a while. I will be subscribing this week. It’s like this edition is d bomb."

Fernando, Portugal

"OK friend, thank you for the explanation, I like very much your availability and dedication to your customers. Keep it up! Greetings! "

Midou, Tunisia

"Thank you so much for doing that. GoWin you're the best!"

Pitsawat, Thailand

"Thank brother. I like you. Service very good brother."

Alexander, Germany

"Weekend was very good. With the Red/Blue colour rules."

Falone, Cameroon

"Hello Sir, Thanks to you, this weekend I had good results. Not too much but better than nothing. Thank you very much. For the beginning it is good! "

Tommy, Nigeria

"I have heard a lot of good things about you…"

Enrique, Spain

" Hola de Nuevo, he estado probando el programa este fin de semana. Gracias a la licencia gratis ke me has proporcionado. Y la verdad es, me ha gustado bastante y me gustaria poder comprar una licencia para un mes de momento y seguir probandolo. Un saludo y gracias por dejarme disfrutar de este maravilloso programa.
Hello again, I have been testing the program this weekend. Thanks to the free license that you have provided me. And the truth is that I liked a lot and I would like to purchase a license for one month for the moment and continue testing it. Greetings and thanks for letting me enjoy this wonderful program! "

Skander, France

"Very good job i like your program."

Matei, UK

"The software is very good."

Emmanuel, Nigeria

"Hi, my friend says good thinks about your app and I have seen it on him."

Francesco, Italy

"Really, really thanks Kevin!! I will study many hours and after this week i will start again to buy it. I want be honest with you, I tried other apps to see the differences but i can really say that no software is at gowin level.
Gowin is the best! …i tried all and all the rest of analyst on the web to see the differences... now i can say that i will use forever gowin."

Paul, UK

"Hello There!! Now I'm looking to buy a years subscription. I absolutely love GoWin, it’s amazing, keep up the great work guys!! Regards, Paul"

Tejas, USA

"Good to know. Thank you guys for all the support."

Makis, Greece

"Hello. I am a several years subscriber to your very good program, not renewed during the summer and now I want to start a new subscription for six months."

Wei, China

"Stable system."

Sunny, Nigeria

"Gowin started my weekend excellently on Friday and Saturday was Gowinfantastic. Please see the fantastic five below. It was a monster!"

Mark, UK

"Hail to Dinos! I just want to say a big thank you to Dinos for all his hard work in trying to help others use GoWin! software. I am now applying Dinos methods and things are going well..."

Heshame, France

"Thank you, your work is amazing!"

Dinos, Greece

"This is the POWER of GoWinSoftware! Stability, consistency and accuracy!!! The more rounds the better for your analysis!!!!
See this: Just like a Pro - Selection based on Performance.
As you will see I am not doing anything more or less than what this software is made for!!!"

Wei, China


Josh, Colombia

"Hello Kevin Thank you so much! You are great, and thanks for the promo code! Great customer support here. Have a nice day! and thanks again for the kind help. - Josh "

Sunny, Nigeria

"Many thanks Kevin. I have just renewed for another successful new season. Your software is great and many guys i don’t know are asking me about gowin. Trust me i told them how i have success every week with Gowin. Thanks you are great. They said they saw that i tagged Gowin on my Facebook page. The best software so far. Cheers."

Peter, Czech Republic

"Thanks for the best software on the market."

Adam, Slovakia

"Amazing app! Thank you so much for trial version. It’s amazing. I studied it and I tried every single option. I would like buy membership in the middle of August, when I return from vacation. "

Fatih, Turkey

"You are amazing people. Thanks."

Tiago Miguel, Portugal

"Nao sei funcionar com o produto porque nunca o experimentei mas gostava de saber uma vez que ja recebi muito bom feedback do produto e pretendo fechar um contrato de 2 anos convosco. Qual será a mensalidade em euros?
I don't know how to work with the product because I've never tried it but I'd like to know since I have already received very good feedback, and I intend to close a contract of 2 years with you. What will be the monthly fee in euros? "

Sander, Netherlands

"Kevin, Good morning! First i want to say what a great software and respect for the good work… Thank you! Cheers!"

Manohar, Mauritius

"I am a regular monthly subscriber of your software. I would like to buy a six month subscription so I can enjoy using your valuable tool which is helping me a lot in analyzing."

Martin, Germany

"I am amazed that a professional software like your GoWin! exists."

Christian, Italy

"Spettacolo! Number one! Fantastic !!! Grande !!!!!"

Clem, Belgium

"That's awesome Kevin, I appreciate a lot, you guys do great work and I mean not only with the software :) Just another question, I'll move out from Belgium to the UK in September…"

Manohar, Mauritius

"Sir, I have upgraded my laptop, installed anew my favorite program GoWin!. Kindly reset the license so that i can use it, please."

Peter, Czech Republic

"I have bought a license for 6 months... Das Programm ist Top!"

Nelson, Facebook

"What a software... During this evening 16 games… Unbelievable"

Sander, Netherlands

"Just amazing software!"

Massimiliano, Italy

"Grazieeee GOWIN!!!! "

Charles, Kenya

"My first win Kevin... it’s nice and it’s working. Big up!"

Thorsten, Germany

"Hello Kevin, GoWin is peng :) Charleroi - Genk final score 2-0 YES! "

Eric, Mexico

"Hola buenas noches, excelente software. Hello, good night, it's excellent!"

Rodolfo, Brazil

"Congratulations. This software is unbelievable!!!!!"

Luis, Portugal

"Hello Mr. Kevin Fantastic once again! YOUR PRODUCT IS FANTASTIC. I am amazed at the wonder that is GoWin!. Without you I am nothing. Please preserve, save GoWin! for many years. Greettings Luis"

Collins, Germany

"I would never count GoWin! in the same league as other software that i have tried. Because GoWin! is high class in a league of its own."

Dinos, Greece

"I have many reasons to believe that the final result will be Over 2.5 goals and, why not, Both teams to score! Estimated goals from Biorhythm and the most probable Score from prediction are very important factors as well!
…Final result 1-3.
They were wrong once again!
GoWin! users were right once again!
Forget them and trust your tool and your instinct…"

Tran Hung, Vietnam

"Very good!"

Solomon, Nigeria

"This is incredible! Something like this has been out here i didn't even know! They are almost done with me. Getting this software very soon!"

Rafael, France


Ady, Romania

"Man, your program is cool. I’ve been looking at all leagues and never knew how to analyze; now just tried it and my skills have already improved significantly :))"

Linus, Tanzania

"I like the system."

Koffi, Togo

"Good evening Kevin, I am coming to tell you that the gowinsoftware is so good, better than what I was thinking. My license ends on 16 May, and i want to pay for a new license. Is it possible to let me work with it until 20 May in the morning when I will pay for the new license?"

Thorsten, Germany

"Mein Kumpel will es nächste Woche bestellen. Ist sehr begeistert.
My mate will buy next week. He is very enthusiastic.
Today: Hoffenheim-Saarbrücken 4-1. GoWin said 3-1.
yeahhhh!!! Yes well done. The community is great! Have a nice weekend."

Babs, Facebook

"Thanks man. Welcome to the world of GoWin Software, the best of all the best. :)"

Richard, Nigeria

"I love it, I will like to get it."

Aggelos, Greece

"Yesterday’s best choices worked very well. I am very, very impressed. As soon as I start again I will copy & paste you my results. Optimism is the key. Cheers!"

Jerome, France

"Très bon logiciel! C'est dommage que je n'ai pas assez de temps pour étudier!!! It’s very good! It is a pity that I have not enough time to study!!! "

Michael, UK

"Hi Kevin, thanks for the information! I appreciate your help. I do believe your software will play its part for me, I wish I'd seen it earlier to be honest."

Emoheart, Facebook

"WON! GOWIN THE BEST! SIMPLY SUPERB! Magic again! LIKE! Honestly, you should get this GoWinSoftware, it is really consistent with fantastic result. LIKE!"

Sherman, USA

"Awesome thanks. Love the program and your guys customer service is superb thanks!"

Christopher, Kenya

"Hi Guyz, i just bought a one month license from you yesterday and it’s truly remarkable software, my piece of cake."

Michael, France

"Thank you for your software, it's good :)"

Agnaldo, Brazil

"I bought a license from GoWinSoftware, 30 days ago. I want to congratulate the developer for the great performance GoWin delivers. Great application that provides a great way to analyze football data! Now I want to buy a license for 2 years. I really liked it and will disseminate this wonderful tool here in Brazil. Here in my country, Brazil, there's nothing like GoWin."

James, UK

"Thanks for the trial! It is worth buying the full version…"

Alexandre, Portugal

"Thanks for the demo. I really enjoyed it and I believe that it will help with my strategy as soon as I master it. I've just made payment for a month. I'm can’t wait to start using it again. Thanks again!"

Jader, Brazil

"Hi! I really liked the app. "

Rusi, Bulgaria

"Thank you, you are the best!"

Daniele, Italy

"I bought a license some days ago and I have to say that the software is awesome! I read some useful posts and I have to say that GoWin can be very interesting. Thanks!… It is great!"

Yann, France

"Cool software!"

Mark, UK

"GoWin provides you with the tools for you to make an informed decision. Use the statistics it provides to have the confidence to decide. Remember It is giving you a great opportunity to understand matches."

John, UK

"I've spent a few hours last night and most of today trying to get to grips with the software and I'm sure there's great potential once I've mastered it which I do intend to do."

Kiril, UK

"I used the software and I can say it is best on the market. Very useful and you can make nice things day by day."

Wilson, Peru

"Es bastante trabajoso pero muy buenos resultados sobretodo a lo que yo quiero... good! It is a little laborious but very good results, moreover particularly for what I want… good!"

Fatih, Turkey

"Gowin = simply success :) I just need a little logic."

Mark, UK

"I am slowly working through the software and impressed so far."

Sakis, Greece

"Very nice tool... Very helpful and supportive... Thanks."

George, Greece

"This software is a fantastic machine. In the next days i will publish my results."

Justine, UK

"Love this software!"


"Gowin is simply amazing. Football lovers need to get this magical software!"


"Had a play with it today a bit. I have got to say it’s really good but it takes time to get used to. I have picked few todays matches just to test it out. Also have got bit reading to do still too."

Bushido John

"This software is the ninja! They call me ninja for my selections but this software beats the ninja for real!"

Roland, Germany

"This month was like never before :)) GoWin was fantastic, so many nice matches i found with it! Like Redbull Salzburg vs Wolfsberger AC with so much value :)) I'm learning more and more successful strategies with GoWin! Do you know Matthew Benham, certainly? I read he uses IT tools for football to calculate. I found GoWin! and i’m happy this Tool is public and i have it."

Kiril, UK

"Hello, yesterday 8 games. I think that it’s cool!"

Matthew, UK

"I've had a blast with Gowin these past 6 months, and i am keen to re-sub... Ok cool, thank you again for your help! On a side note, after reading through your links and help from earlier this week, i landed another one last night! ...The Power of Gowin :)"

Sabatino, Canada

"I think your GOWIN is very good awesome software. I have been playing with it for a few days. …Your program is the best, and when my first month is up I will switch to yearly plan... well worth it."

Jay, Kenya

"You are awesome... i think you are killing the competition. Thumbs up you are the best. Though it needs experience to be on top all the time. Thanks a lot."

Edwine, UK

"Thanks, you're the best."

John, Greece

"I work with your system these days and looks very good. I have already got some matches …It helps me very much with analyzing goals. I have already made it several times!! …It is very good. Keep up your great work! :)"

Melki, Tunisia

"Belle application très utile. Beautiful and very useful application."

Jude, Nigeria

"Very good software, the best... keep it up!!!"

André Manuel, Portugal

"First of all, thanks for your support and software. =)"

Sylvester, Nigeria

"hi kevin good morning, am enjoying my gowinsoftware. u guys are wonderful."

Billy, UK

"2 games both good, your software is amazing!! Bro you’re the best! Thursday i buy…"

Donald, Nigeria

"I must say I'm impressed with your app, it's accuracy is impressive."

Loredana, Italy

"Wonderful… a perfect product and the most complete."

Kimmo, Finland

"Porto B and second match today was Sporting Lisbon B. The best software ;)"

Abiola, Nigeria

"Kevin i must also thank you for Gowin."

Rafael, Brazil

"Hi there! GoWin looks that it will really fit my needs of statistical analysis."

Mogeni, Kenya

"I can see great improvements would like to check them out and if great I'll buy a license."

Ewald, Netherlands

"Hi Kevin. That's great! I’m downloading it now. Great service!"

Jude, Nigeria

"Yes it is very good....i love it!!! Guys it is very very good.... so try n get it and see!!!"

Senyo, Ghana

"Thanks Kevin. I am grateful for your advice and quick response to my mail. Best customer service!"

Thorsten, Germany

"The System is great! ...Yesss, it is great. Perfekt!"

Motlatsi, Lesotho

"Thank you very much for the trial version you have emailed me and all of the details. I have tested it and it gave positive results. There is no doubt i am going to subscribe monthly with Go Win software."

Vesa, Finland

"Excellent support and customer service as ever! Thanks!"

Guilherme, Brazil

"I have been using Gowinsoftware since April, and have been enjoying it a lot until now. You guys are doing a great job with this software!"


"Very amazing product!"

Fen, Germany

"This looks very awesome, for sure a very good work has been done to achieve this stage for this fearful WEAPON :) imagine without GW i had to gather bits and pieces of stats from different sources table, scored goals h2h, ht/ft, ... etc now with GW we have all required data , ALL IN ONE TOOL , thanks again for this nice software!"

Nikolay, Denmark

"Really good vision and new tools."

Kazimierz, UK

"As always by your professional help everything works as it should. The improvements in the new GoWin look great."

Çagkan, Turkey

"The best program ever :)"

Oscar, Mexico

"Thanks! I apreciate doing bussines with you!"

Sunny, Nigeria

"Hello, I say a big CONGRATULATIONS, it is dangerously good software. The new biorhythm + any of DINOS method will make the them cry. CONGRATULATIONS once again."

André, Portugal

"Keep Rocking!"

Cezar, Romania

"Your software is a gold mine for me."

Heshame, France

"Indeed, GoWin is magical ;) I'm going to enjoy this wonder;) Thank you very much for your help and quick answers!"

Ian, UK

"It is an excellent service."


"Thanks a lot! I'm really greatful, it worked perfectly! :) This is the best!"

Roland, Germany

"The new upgrade should us make more powerful! Really great work! For me the best version is now the new GoWin!"

Eric, Mexico

"Estoy impaciente por probar la nueva versión de este fantástico software. Muchas gracias! I cannot wait to try the new version of this fantastic program. Thank you very much!"

Woo, Hong Kong

"I subscribed to it and it's AWESOME!"


"Your software is very good it’s like having a Ferrari. Gowin is remarkably technical and once you learn to use its awesome power you become a Pro. It will be very good to include half time into its features. If it can accurately analyze half time results as good as it works for full time results, then Gowin will become an Oracle that will make us very successful. You can imagine the benefits are huge. WOW!!!!!!!"

George, Greece

"You are great guys there as your software :))"

Hamza, France

"Merci beaucoup de m'avoir répondu et a résoudre mon problème mon gowin fonctionne a merveille. Merci! Thanks a lot for answering and solving my issue, my GoWin! works wonder. Thanks! "

Ian, UK

"Great service and much appreciated!"

Mohammed, UK

"Dear Sir, it is working properly. Thank you for your help and advice."


"I am a big fan of GOWIN, it is amazing."

Ruben, Portugal

"Thank you for the speed and clarity of response. I'm having interesting results, keep up the good work."

Peter, Germany

"Vielen Dank für die testphase... Gowin ist eine erstklassige software, ich werde ab august ein abo machen. ich bin ab freitag bis ende juli 3 wochen im urlaub...und dann werde ich mir eine lizenz kaufen..
Many thanks for the free trial…GoWin is first-class software, I will subscribe in August. I will be on holiday for 3 weeks, from Friday to the end of July… and then I will buy a licence."

Will, UK

"Thanks for your kindness! I absolutely love GoWin! It's a miracle bit of software. "

Mike, Nigeria

"It is very interesting and I hope to subscribe fully as soon as the season starts."

Hoon, South Korea

"I really love GoWin, I won many times!"

Ronald, Switzerland

"I have the monthly subscription of your software and I am very satisfied with it, it is very good. I will convert my monthly subscription to the annual subscription."

Tuan, Vietnam

"I have been using GoWin! for a long time, I find it reputable. I come from Vietnam."

Emoheart, Nigeria

"Cool i just love gowinsoftware!"

Keya, Kenya

"Yesterday i got a chance to try out GoWin! for the first time and it was amazing."

Jeong, South Korea

"I am an addicted user of Gowin Software. I bought it a few weeks ago and I really love it!"

Luis, Portugal

"I just came to say that your product is very good. Not just good, but very good. Please keep up the quality. I will renew the package. "

Kazimierz, UK

"Once again I became convinced about your professionalism and helpfulness. I am now a very happy user of Gowin! Once again, thank you very much for your help … :) "

Marko, Serbia

"I wish to inform you that I am very happy with your software, and I'm interested in the possibility of its further use. "

Makis, Greece

"Congratulations on your excellent program! "

Christoph, Austria

" Grundsätzlich bin ich ja mal angetan von eurer Software! Eure Software schaut ja spitzenmässig aus! Ich muss feststellen das es genau das ist das ich schon immer suchte. I'm really impressed by your software! It really is top notch! I must say that it is exactly what I've always wanted. "

Sunny, Nigeria

"This software is great, I’m reviewing its performance on some of the leagues. The findings were wonderful. This is a good investment."

George, Greece

"Maybe the best program available for football. When you become familiar with the interface the benefits are amazing. The most exciting characteristic is that it can find matches with much more value. You guys continue the good work!!!"

Yassine, Germany

"I have to thank the software which has offered the opportunity for 1 week to visit my mother in Africa LoL. To be honest I am VERY interested in DRAW, I love DRAWS analysis. This time has worked very fine, after some basic analysis extracted from the software report."


"A tool, a very good tool that can help you achieve your aim."


"Go Win Software is massively helpful to make some good decisions."

Yassine, Germany

"Very good news mate :-) As you always said, choose a strategy which suits oneself and be patient LoL. It worked yesterday just choosing basic scores for 8 different leagues with higher % of result 1, fantastic, merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! The software is definitely showing its power, many many thanks again for your help and especially your patience with me :-). Now I admit the power of it and the hard work you folks are doing! As i am not selfish :-) i will suggest this jewellery software to my friends to let them get profit out of it."

Oliver, Slovakia

"I am happy that I joined again your service. Now I’m reading about the new approaches founded for using your software. They are really amazing, and I have to study them thoroughly. Until now I considered it a bit complicated, and did not spend much time with it. But now I will analyze them, along with the suggestions from other users and your improvements. As I see the results, it is excellent SW, with many creative possibilities."

Paul, UK

"Best program out there!! Top work!"

Simon, Uganda

"I would like to thank you for the excellent software. It has helped me alot with my research."

Sam, UK

"This is the most amazing software i have ever seen mate, thank you. I will definitely be buying this app."


"This is a magical program!"

Kimmo, Finland

"Today was payday. I hit very well. The strategy worked brilliantly. A big thank you! The so-called “doctrine” begins to bear fruit. I start to find the program to be reliable. After my first month I now realize how much you can take advantage of the various statistics about the different aspects and also the tactics are a good argument."


"I like so much this software."

Angelo, Ghana

"Also, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your great work. I won yesterday and I’m spreading the good news about GOWIN software. Great work done!"

Paul, UK

"Gowin is the best thing I have ever bought!"


"Hi Robert. Thanks heaps for the trial. Wow, so much potential! Got to play around with the software as much as I could but from the 3 days it seems very useful. It will definitely be on the 'to buy' list for Xmas. Must admit, your customer service is excellent. Cheers! James"

Will, UK

"I purchased GoWin for 6 months and am very impressed with the functionality."

Giovanni, Italy

"Thank you for your professionalism and for having created this wonderful software."

Alexander, Germany

"I am still learning it ... but I already see what POWER this tool has when you can handle it. I see more often now what potential it has. It is amazing."

Çagkan, Turkey

"Your software is really good. I appreciate it. Overall, a total success for me. But it also can be developed. Because I am really happy with it I’m voluntarly marketing it. Thanks for this work! Good job!"

Thanos, Greece

"You have a very good program… Thanks again!"

Bruno, France

"I was given a free trial, as promised. I had access to it for four full days, during which Robert was there to answer my questions and to clarify things. His informed advice and his professional dedication have played a decisive part in my decision to subscribe for a year to Gowin. Many thanks again, Robert"


"Awsome! I am very surprised in a good way. Keep up the good work you all are doing and thank you very much!"

Fabian, Germany

"It is really good."

Alexander, Germany

"The program is very good and with it we are stronger!"

Giovanni, Italy

"...Insomma, per farla corta, credo che se avessi gia avuto questo programma, almeno una l'avrei presa. ...In conclusion, I think that if I had already had the program, I would have gotten at least one."


"Thank you very much for this :) . Keep up the good work!"

Diogo, Portugal

"Your software has amazing results, keep going!"

Dinos, Greece

"Definitely you are at the right place for much much better choices!"

Paul, UK

"It is hands down the best service out there and I'm really happy I've found you guys. I'm spreading the word about you guys, top top stuff!!"

Rasmus, Denmark

"Just wanted to say thanks for a great piece of software, it already made me a bit of ..."

Çagkan, Turkey

"Once you learn to interpret its data, GoWin is a perfect program, a perfect machine. Really nice!"

Konstantinos, Greece

"GoWin! is much stronger than anyone can imagine! Numbers talk to us. We have to learn their language!"

Thiago, Brazil

"I love your software!"

Roland, Germany

"Thank you very much, I am positively surprised. I tested GoWin! yesterday and i must say it’s the best tool I have ever seen."

Dinos, Greece

"First of all, congratulations for your GREAT software!!!!!!
I am really impressed by the results... A W E S O M E .
I am very happy with it and with the help offered by your Support Team. You are PROS... Once more, GREAT software!"

Stergios, Greece

"I’m a new user and I’ve already made my successful debut today. Thanks!"

Achraf, France

"Hello! I really love your software, the results are awesome!"

Riaan, South Africa

"Excellent product! You have a system that works."

Raymond, Germany

"As far as I can say at the moment it is a nice tool and looks really promising."

Nikos, USA

"I’m really satisfied so far. I bought the first month and then the 1 year subscription and already got much more value back. So thanks GoWin!"

Dimitris, Greece

"Each season, I eagerly await your fabulous and fantastic program. Thank you very much!"


"Dear GoWin team, I have used the trial version and I am satisfied."

Rachid, Belgium

"Really GoWin! is a great tool, a must have for everyone interested. You have done a great job creating this software."

Stefano, Italy

"Today I tested your software with very good results. And it is only the first day!"

Mehmet, Turkey

"Hello, I've been a member of you for 6 months. The program is very nice."

Michaël, Belgium

"First, I want to congratulate your team for the great job you did."

Chris, UK

"I have just started trialling it was so close. I am really keen to know how to get the most out of it, it looks really good. Thanks!"

Mustafa, Turkey

"Hello! This is really nice. I had a very nice football week with lots of good matches.
It is good for a start. I only wanted to thank to you."

Simon, UK

"I have your software and love it."

Manuel, Spain

"First of all I would like to say you congratulations for your hard work, your system is very interesting."

Trevor, UK

"Hi Guys! Could you tell me when you will be updating the German Leagues for the new season and also the English Leagues? By the way, BRILLIANT software! "

Zafiris, Greece

"Congratulation for the hard work!!! Really well done!"

Steve - UK

"You have kindly given me the chance to trial your software for 2 weeks which I must say I am really finding very impressive. Many thanks for such a great software - My 12 months subscription will be following the trial."

Bongani, South Africa

"This program is awesome. I will not survive without it. Thank you very much guys!"

Steven, UK

"Top service and excellent results!!! keep em coming Go Win.. Luv it!" Mandy, Germany

"Keep doing the good work. Love your program!"

Alan, UK

"I purchased the GoWin software in August and obviously have come to the end of the first month. I will definitely continue to use it, so far as I have seen to date is quite brilliant."

Jean-Claude, France

"I bought the software with a trial period of one month ending November 15. I am satisfied for now and I would like to keep the period of one year as agreed at my order."

Paul, UK

"I did this on Saturday. I have a very good advantage over others because I have GoWin!, and hopefully I will be able to take advantage of it even more."

Martin, Germany

" I own a license of GoWinSoftware since 11 months. I really get excellent results. Using the Team Confidences you can filter out matches which could end in a surprise result.
The result predictions are producing good results too.
Almost every league is included in the software. Also some leagues that aren't offerd by others.
With the updates offered daily it is kept up to date which very good.
The program is easy to use and understandable, and available in the most common languages.
My license expires in some days but I will extend it for sure. It's worth the money. Keep up the good work.
Thumbs up."

Roberto, Italy

"Eccezionale! Le statistiche di questo programma sono oro. / Outstanding! The statistics provided by this program are gold. "

Christian, Germany

"Die Software ist spitze!!!!!!
Das ist mir in 6 Monaten nicht gelungen. Ich bin dank der Software nicht mehr im Minus.
Danke Christian

The software is fantastic!
I hadn't managed to do this in 6 months. Now, thanks to the software I’m no longer in the red.
Thank you Christian

Aaron, South Africa

"I’m very pleased with your application and I would like to ask if you can also add to the database the Swedish 3rd league, Sodra and Norra."

Les - UK

"Best software on the planet by light years."


"Very impressive results! Go red go winning. Should red mean stop and green good to go, but with GoWin!, red is a reminder that you are the winner."

Kostas, Greece

"If you are looking for top quality, then look no further than GoWin. I have backtested their machine against many difficult leagues, and they deliver excellent results. Furthermore, what I like about GoWin is their consistency. Their samples underestimate their potential, because you can tweak the machine for even more astonishing results! In some leagues like Singapore, Albania, World Cup qualifiers and many others, their long term accuracy reaches a staggering 80-90%! I would definitely recommend it to the serious guys out there who want to have a steady and consistent route."

Marco, Italy

"Assolutamente affidabile, lo uso da anni! / Absolutely reliable, I’ve been using it for years!"

Zul, Singapore

"Software which can solve problems creatively can make decisions - and GoWinSoftware is a problem-solving Software..to beat the tough competitors..i use it & it really got a tip top perfomance RESULTS...For me it's the best soccer software on the Net...today... :)) "

Paolo - Italy

"Ha beccato 4 risultati esatti e 5 1x2 perfetti , sbagliando solo 2 partite. Siamo davanti a qualcosa di molto ma molto interessante! It got 4 correct results and 5 perfect 1X2, missing only two matches. We are in front of something very, very interesting! "

Paul, UK

"…I need to say it is very, very good. The last two days have been fruitful and the cost of the annual subscription has been recovered already by the steady value it provided. Overall very impressed so far and congratulations on putting together a very good product!"

Erhan - Turkey

"Favori programlarimdan. Program çok, çok iyi çalışıyor. Çok iyi sonuçlar veriyor. Data si çok genis. Hemen hemen her lig mevcut. Iyi para deger! My favourite program. The program works very, very well. It gives very good results. Comprehensive data. Almost any league is available. It is well worth the money! "

Matt, UK

"The best software money can buy."

Vlada, Serbia

"I had the opportunity to use it and it is excellent. When the new football season starts I will certainly buy a new license."

Giovanni, Italy

"Per mia fortuna, ho avuto il software in questa stagione. Molto Buono! Luckily for me, I have had the software this season. Very good."

William, USA

"What I like about the GoWin Software is that it gives me fundamental knowledge about upcoming matches. I've been searching for a product that gives you an edge, something that allows me to make better decisions. If you're looking for that nugget of info about soccer matches that you can't get anywhere else, then your best option is GoWin, now go out there and..."

Chris, UK

"Nice addition to my arsenal. By far the best and the most accurate! Many thanks!"

Manfred, Germany

"Vielen dank dafür, Ihr Programm ist SUPER! Thank you for this, your program is GREAT!"

Craig, South Africa

"It’s great having such a tool. I must admit, I was not brilliant in the past but now, with this awesome tool things have changed radically. Keep up the good work!"

Dave, UK

"I am a professional football journalist, and I have found your product to be an excellent tool for analysing upcoming matches. With its realistic predictions, my match previews have become far more accurate and engaging, leading to greater satisfaction among my audience. It has proven to be an invaluable asset in my work. Additionally, with such a tool at my disposal, I tested it further, and it demonstrated its worth and versatility."

Rowland, Ireland

"Armed with the knowledge and solid advice of gowin software things are much clearer and achieving better results is much simpler."

Robert, UK

"I have been using GoWin for 5 years now and cannot see me without it anymore. It gives me essential information and its accuracy is great."

Francisco Javier, Mexico

"I am a fan of MLS soccer league and I was amazed by the fantastic results that I got on MLS this year. The program provided me with 16 (sixteen!) rounds in a row with crazy accuracy which allowed me to be very consistent. "

Ryan, Canada

"So good and so easy to use! Crystal clear and comprehensive... I was getting great results right away! One button away from success… I am very pleased with my new software!"

Anthony, UK

"This is my seventh season of subscription, and I will continue using your program indefinitely because it provides me with significant value. It would be great if you could offer longer licence plans."

Bjoern, Norway

"It offers better value than any other software. Kudos!"

Peter, UK

"What I like is that, thanks to the many leagues and competitions in its database, I can choose from several leagues every day of the year with accuracy above 80%. It’s easy to start at this level. No wonder so many people from my club recommended it to me."

Bjorn, Sweden

"Investment already recovered!"

Dave, UK

"I’ve just started my eighth year with GoWin, and I keep getting steady, consistent results every week. My approach is simple: I select the best leagues of the moment and fine-tune them to squeeze the most out of this little genius. That way, I have 7-8 good games each week. Nothing complicated—just simple and really, really efficient!"

Jason, UK

"I have had a go with the program and I am very impressed. Just by looking at its performance in Singapore league, it seemed to get nearly every game correct and this is the norm in other leagues, too."

Francisco, Spain

"Más de 20 años desarrollando ... Gracias a gowin, tuve éxito por primera vez esta semana.. Fantástico!
I’ve been working on it for more than 20 years… Thanks to gowin, I succeeded for the first time this week. It’s fantastic!"

Edwin, Hong-Kong

"I would really like to thank you all of you who created this software, it really gives me a hope when trying to understand football!"

Joseph, UK

"If I had to design the most useful software, it would be GoWin. There are very few things I would change about its interface (though when I run it on my notebook, I’d like the text size to be a bit larger), but I would definitely leave the prediction engine—a real gem—untouched."

Stuart, Ireland

"What a pot of gold! I've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Brilliant! Many thanks, guys!"

Alex, The Netherlands

"I’ve been trying the product for two weeks now, and I’m impressed by what it can show and its performance. Once you get the hang of it, it is very user friendly. Cheers!"

Olle, Sweden

"Tremendous value for money. I can highly recommend GoWin to any person that wants consistency in their work."

Giuseppe – Italy

"Questo è un programma geniale! / This program is a genius!"

Dimitris – Greece

"I know its potential because several years ago, I used to be one of your customers. Now I’m back in the business and want to renew my license. It surpasses any aid one may give you in the field."

Jason, Australia

"Awesome program! Onboard intelligence for easy and tidy profit!"

Geoff, USA

"I would just like to take this time to say thank you so much for the awesome application."

Manuel, Spain

"It’s my second month of subscription and I have already hit two times!"

Basil, Greece

"My name is Basil I'm an electronics engineer and I like to study soccer games, but a program like gowin i think that opens new horizons in accurate prediction. My congratulations for this excellent work to development team, personally I approach the prediction analysis of a game mainly by the way of possibilities law. I think that the program uses correct hierarchy in elaboration of parameters and factors, so the result is a very accurate prediction."

Tan, Singapore

"Amazing results in S.League!!!"

Sören, Denmark

"Just what I've been looking for! I'm happy to report that this program suits my needs perfectly! Fantastic results!"
